Saturday, August 19, 2017

Make Way for Cucklings

Well, another weekend, another rightie-rally, this one was supposed to be a 'free speech' rally, though even the mainstream media is using scare quotes. The rally ended before it began, drowned out by a sea of 40,000 counter-protestors. It just goes to show you that the government isn't allowed to bar you from speaking freely, but nobody has to listen to your bullshit.

The real joke here is that internet tough guys were crying about being surrounded, and were escorted out of the vicinity by an African-American antifascism activist... someone they wouldn't have extended the same courtesy to. I picture the white right flight as something similar to the iconic Boston narrative Make Way for Ducklings, a perennial favorite of mine since childhood, with the police escorting the cucklings in a manner similar to that depicted in Robert McCloskey's charming illustration:

Of course, Boston is a liberal town in a liberal state, so it's not a Trump down either:

The idea that a bunch of Confederate apologists thought that they could take over the Commons for their little hatenanny was ridiculous from the get-go... Northern Aggression is real, and it's glorious.


  1. It sort of feels like a victory, but the trends are all in the wrong direction. What have the bigots learned in the last couple weeks?

    First, that they have support from the top, but people and corporations don't like them very much.

    Second, they get the most accomplished when they kill people.

    I'm afraid those lessons will be the driving force for their strategy going forward.

    Hold rallies in the south. Bring weapons, both melee weapons and firearms. Shed some blood (it almost doesn't matter who's). That's all it will take for them to own the narrative.

    They're not going to 'win', any more than the Jihadists can win. But they have a pretty good idea how to play the game...

  2. The core of true believers is tiny. I think the key now is to peel off the soft 'gamer troll' hangers-on. With the shaming of these young assholes, and their resulting diminished prospects, it's more likely that they will stay home.

    The 'professional' trolls who have rallied the 4chan crowd are either facing arrest or have had embarrassing public meltdowns. Sure, a cadre of actual KKK and Neo-Nazi members remain, but they have always been with us.

  3. Mikey, the bigots are canceling their hatenannies -love that word, BBBB - 67 of 'em at last count. Did they learn something? a coup,e things, I think. One, is that without hoods, they get fired and ostracized. Two, is that they look foolish. Also, that their core of hate is ugly, and they need to look more 'guy next door' to attract support. And finally, that companies like Google and Facebook have no obligation to support their bullshit.

    What they get accomplished when they kill people is strengthening the opposition, more than anything.

  4. I just googled 'hatennany', and was dismayed to find that there's a neo-Nazi record label with the title.
