Monday, July 31, 2017

Arrivederci Scaramucci

I arrived in northern Virginia around 11AM today and spent some time shooting the breeze with mom. After a small lunch I took a short nap, our plan being to head over to my sister's place around 4PM, in time to meet my eldest nephew when he got home from work. On our way to my sister's place, we didn't even bother to turn on the radio, we had more interesting topics to discuss with each other.

When we met my nephew, he broke the news, Scaramucci had been fired... Mooch, we hardly knew you! The disarray in the executive branch is impacting my brother in law, who recently retired from the Air Force- he is a civilian employee of *REDACTED* now, and he would be a liaison to the White House science and technology department, if it still existed. While we all got a laugh at Mooch's firing, there is an existential crisis in the executive branch that even the Scaramucci shots how can't distract us from.

On the way back to mom's place, we put on WTOP to hear details of Mooch's ouster, but they were sketchy, like Mucci himself. Che mondo pazzo!

1 comment:

  1. The Mooch Show didn't last very long, but it may go into syndication.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank
