Thursday, June 29, 2017

That Ain't a Clenched Fist, Lady

Ugh, I finally got a chance to watch the new NRA ad, courtesy of Tengrain... it's pinup for pinheads Dana Loesch whining about the 'fake news media', and 'lies' about Vulgarmort and his maladministration. The ad, which has been roundly condemned, shows a distorted view of the protests in which millions of Americans, including myself, have participated, and paints a dystopian view of dissent. It even makes the claim that Barack Obama is advocating a subversive position.

Of course, the ad is complete bullshit, in the Orwellian vein, and the 'lies' which Loesch decries are actually truths. Loesch claims that she wields the 'clenched fist of truth' to combat the 'violence of lies', but the only thing Loesch has is the clenched sphincter of rage.


  1. When you step back from it, it's pretty fascinating from a community dynamics standpoint that the conflict that will ultimately tear this country apart isn't racial, it isn't religious, it's purely ideological. And it's fueled on one side by desperate, gross dishonesty. We can set aside political parties in this conversation - this is the far right authoritarians vs basic mainstream democratic values. The far right knows their days are numbered - they've been able to read the demographic writing on the wall for the last 20 years. Now, like an Army in retreat, they are increasingly prepared to burn it all down rather than accept the loss.

    Every step we come closer to 'kill the libtards' is another step closer to a line that, once crossed, cannot be returned. We have the guns, the propaganda and the hatred and fear. We have far right ideologues in control of every branch of the federal government, but deeply frustrated as they are led by an idiot, a buffoon without the attention span to actually implement their last-shot policies.

    As the summer heats up, the rhetoric heats up. We're one Timothy McVeigh away from...something. It's too far to 2020 for us to get there unscathed...

  2. Oh, and don't forget, after nearly 20 years of continuous war, we have trained millions of our citizens - right and left, sane and crazy, calm and damaged - in the art of weapons, explosives, tactics, fire and maneuver. It's not going to be the way you imagine it might...
