Friday, May 19, 2017

Tweety Amin

The very prospect of Donald Trump going to Saudi Arabia gives me the creeping horrors. The Saudi Royal family, with their support of a fundamentalist regime that promulgates blasphemy laws, literal witch hunts, and lingering laws against women is perhaps the only family on the planet more repulsive than the Trump family.

I can't see this trip going well, with Islamophobe Stephen Miller writing the speech Trump is supposed to deliver to the Wahhabist regime, and the guy who promised to put a boot up the ass of the 9/11 attack backers is scheduled to play a concert in front of an all-male audience which will most likely include some of the very backers of those attacks. To make things worse, Jared Kushner pressured the CEO of Lockheed Martin to give a price break to the Saudis on arms which will probably be used to further Saudi interests in the Yemeni civil war. This whole trip just seems like a major disaster just waiting to happen.

Meanwhile, the probe into collusion between the Trump maladministration and the Russian government is closing in on a senior Trump administration official even as Trump embarks on what promises to be his foreign embarrassment tour. With any luck, he'll decide to take refuge with the Saudis to escape the consequences of his actions. The Saudis notoriously gave sanctuary to Idi Amin, maybe they will do the same for Tweety Amin.


  1. What's really interesting about US weapons sales - not just recent, and not just Saudi - is that you can really begin to see a future where a lot of the current alliances (think Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi/Bahrain/UAE and even perhaps a broken and angry Europe) are broken and realigned in surprising ways and the US finds itself facing off in air combat with US fighters. While the prospect of F-15s, F-16s and F/A-18s mixing it up would be fascinating fodder for a novelist, it's kind of a dark scenario for the US.

    If you think about the future of India/Pakistan and Sunni/Shia Arabs vs Persians along with various patronages from China, Russia and the US, you can see a world where the old post-cold war order comes completely unraveled. And all these modern, technologically advanced weapons are out there in play...

  2. Wow, any opportunity we get to use Saudi, Lockheed Martin, and Trump in the same sentence can't be good.

    Draining the swamp, man...

  3. I sure hope that Lockheed Martin has hidden some kill switches in their fancy airplanes in case of that scenario, mikey.

    Yeah, HH, it's pretty much a trifecta of badness all around.
