Saturday, May 6, 2017


I have come to the conclusion that the form of government of this country is rule by the stupid, which I will call morocracy. Via Tengrain, we have Idaho's Raul Labrador telling a bald-faced, idiotic lie:

Of course, his health insurance is paid for by the American taxpayers, so he never has to postpone needed care because he doesn't have the scratch. Why the hell do the idiotic voters in the Heartland keep voting for assholes like this? Do we really need to continue putting the absolute worst people in charge of our lives, and the destiny of our nation? Just thinking about this is enough to raise my goddamn blood pressure.


  1. I come from a family of health care profs--my mother and my paternal grandmother were nurses, and one of my cousins, and my sister-in-law. I have unlimited respect for the health care community because of how they did not just exercise their professionalism and caring in their respective workspaces, but carried that attitude of caring and shit-togetherism in their lives. These are the people you can trust your life with. These are the people who have seen it and are immune to crap, and vomit, and blood. I am in awe of them. I might have a bent for science, but am more comfortable with Iambs than enemas, and more at home as a folklorist with catechism than catheters. I'll probably have to swallow my reticence with the body failing when my own parents--baby boomers still trucking with it--start to go. Which seems so far off.

    But I have no doubt that medicine is why my parents are still here. My father, with his Rheumatoid arthritis and my mom, and her colitis. We exist because doctors, and medicine, and science, and care. Well, actually not me-I am stupid healthy. But most of the people I love--here because of doctors. And otherwise, might have totally died.

  2. Considering the increases in general health, quality of life and life expectancy that coincided with the rise of medical knowledge over the last few hundred years, I think it's safe to say that historically, more people have died from lack of proper health care than ANY other cause.

    You can just look at someone who dies - even today - from easily treated conditions like infections and dysentery and you'll immediately know how utterly, perfectly wrong this statement was...

  3. Hey, also, too, Mr. Bastard, a heads up. Our great and good friend Robin Bennis (@According to Robin)'s book 'The Guns Above' just went on sale last week. She's pretty stoked, and out on book tour (how freakin' cool is THAT??). You might want to pop over and say congrats!

  4. Thanks for the tip... I left a comment there a while ago. I'm actually a regular commenter at Tor books, and Robyn has had a bunch of posts there concerning the book release. That is really, really cool.
