Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Easy Comey, Easy Go-y

Just a quick note before drinking beer- the news that Trump fired James Comey was a bit shocking, but not surprising- Trump, judging by yesterday's tweet-binge about former assistant AG Yates, and today's silence, Trump seems to be in cornered rat mode. Anyway, I hope Comey is glad about making a big deal about Hillary's emails. Don't trust GOPers, even if you are one.

The real issue now is Comey's replacement... the biggest crook in the country will be appointing the head of the FBI. Smart money says it'll be Jared Kushner... I wish I were joking.


  1. Frederick Douglass?

  2. Good one! Comey was born and raised in Yonkers, one of the guys on my trivia team told me, though I should have known.

  3. It'll be easy to determine his intent. If his nominee for FBI head comes from within the FBI, it'll probably be ok, even if he is a bit of an extremist (and it WILL be a 'him'). But if he appoints some crony from the biz world, especially a rich old white dood, it's not going to go well...
