Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Cuella De Vil Will Be a Shoe-In

From the Department of You Can't Make This Shit Up, we have a bit about Teh Donald's advisors for the nomination of the Secretary in charge of the US Department of Agriculture and, as predicted, there is one guy who is a doozy, by which I mean a maniac:

Back in 2010, the year before Protect the Harvest was founded, Lucas vigorously opposed a Missouri ballot measure to "require large-scale dog breeding operations to provide each dog under their care with sufficient food, clean water, housing and space; necessary veterinary care; regular exercise and adequate rest between breeding cycles," and to "prohibit any breeder from having more than 50 breeding dogs for the purpose of selling their puppies as pets."

Yeah, he's seeking advice from a guy who wants to prevent regulations that would require sufficient food, clean water, housing and space; necessary veterinary care; regular exercise and adequate rest between breeding cycles for breeding dogs and their puppies. I guess the Republican War on Women just isn't enough, now there's a Republican War on Bitches. If Cruella De Vil were a real person, I have no doubt that she'd be on Trump's transition team.

Hey, since things suck so bad, how about a nifty musical number by Bastard faves The Replacements? Here are the 'mats covering Cruella De Vil, and not in Dalmatian pelts:

I'm not a big Disney fan by any stretch of the imagination, but the Stay Awake was fantastic. My personal favorite song on the album is Buster Poindexter's amazing cover of Castle in Spain. Maybe Donald will mistake Buster for Ray Bolger's mustache-twirling villain and name him to his cabinet.

1 comment:

  1. In any other circumstance I'd be like, Meh, it doesn't matter who the President picks to lead his agencies. The President sets the policies and the agencies just carry them out. But you can't see Trump caring about ag policy, or the hard work of budgeting, or any of the hundreds of other minutiae the chief executive needs to understand and steer. So in THIS case, these ass clowns are going to have a free hand - particularly when it comes to deregulation.

    You just KNOW that in the next four years there will be some small (single digit) number of truly critical moments that will require some kind of coherent leadership. There's China, Russia, Terrorism, mass killings, natural disasters and who knows what all white swan events coming, and the United States is singularly unprepared to deal with them...
