Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Great Jewish Conspiracy of the 20th Century

It seems that Donald Trump has finally crossed the alt-right (better known as neo-Nazi) Rubicon... Team Trump has rolled out an ad which hearkens back to anti-semitic conspiracy theories depicting a sinister Jewish plot against 'real Amurkins':

I've never seen Jewish people as a threat, having grown up with plenty of Jewish friends and neigbors, having studied under Jewish teachers and being a patient of a Jewish opthalmologist. Lately, though, I have been researching the claims of the cartoon frog brigade and I uncovered evidence of a vast Jewish conspiracy that successfully swept over the world throughout the mid-20th century, leaving only three countries as holdouts.

For this conspiracy, I am profoundly grateful.

I cannot wait until Tuesday, when this country can rebuke Vulgarmort and his deplorable followers.


  1. I remember being mildly optimistic after Obama's election in 2008. I have no such illusions now.

    "The poor stay poor, the rich get rich"

    And the foreigners our big corporations want bombed, get bombed.

    P.S. It seems blooger comments won't let one embed a link anymore. SEE?

  2. Well it sure is a good god damn thing you've got no illusions. Your double-extra-pure brand of Purity® will surely insulate you from the cold chill of fascism rolling through the country as President Trump rounds up all the OTHERS. But not you. You're pure.

  3. Obviously my rant is targeted at Thundra, not you BBBB.

  4. This election would never have gotten close with Sanders as the Dem nominee, OBS.

    As for the others you pretend to care about while licking cynical corporatist boots, do you think the people HRC has bombed and will have bombed should be happier that an actual Republican didn't do it?

  5. This election would never have gotten close with Sanders as the Dem nominee, OBS.

    And also in that happy unicorn dreamland, we'd each have our own special purity pony that shits candy. Yay!

    (And I voted for Sanders in the primary, asshole.)

    As for the others you pretend to care about while licking cynical corporatist boots, do you think the people HRC has bombed and will have bombed should be happier that an actual Republican didn't do it?

    Oh, I'm very sure you "care" very much about all those supposed bombings that Hitlery will gleefully engage in, only pausing to weigh which poor brown people she hates more and eating puppies with Bill while watching the world burn.

    But you're special. And pure. You "care" so much that you're actively working to enact a demonstrably worse outcome for everyone except rich white dudes. And if you don't think that's what you're doing, you're loonier than I thought.

    Also, I've dedicated my adult life to public service, so you can fuck right off with your "licking corporate boots" schtick.

    Sorry BBBB, I'll check out and leave him to his bizarre fantasy world. Have a good day.
