Saturday, September 3, 2016

Deadbeat Donald Even Stiffs the Big Fish

Looking at the picture of Trump's 'war room' staff, posted by Tengrain, the thing that struck me most was how young most of them looked. Knowing that millennials are often trapped in unpaid internships indeed, Trump's daughter has become infamous for not paying writers), I immediately suspected that these poor foolish College Republican Trump Youth are not being paid for their strategery (sic). Hell, not even contracts are enough to get Donald Trump to pay his bills.

It got even weirder then... it turns out that Trump isn't even paying his top staffers. This is actually surprising to me, because, as Bernie Madoff proved, stealing from other rich people is a cardinal sin, while stealing from poor people will ensure that the poor peoples' tax dollars will bail you out when you crash and burn. It was acceptable when Trump was stealing from dishwashers and cabinetmakers, but I can't see stealing from consultants working out for him in the long run. Trump has even stiffed the very lawyers who have represented him in lawsuits regarding his unpaid bills.

I can't imagine competent campaign workers to continue with Trump's bizarre presidential bid... these are not exactly charitable people here. Even if Trump's real endgame is a right-wing network of his own, as some people suspect, I can't see right wing scumbags such as Racist Bannon (apologies to 'Johnny Quest' fans) and Roger 'Bad Touch' Ailes going all-in with a guy who is a grifter on the level of Donald Trump, though I imagine Bannon would own the network while Trump would be relegated to the status of 'the help'. At the best, I could see these three assholes ending up like this:

The real kicker here is that Trump's brand has pretty much been nuked from orbit- his racism and misogyny are too toxic for major corporate sponsors, only the most naive people will work for a guy with his record of non-payment. The guy even makes his volunteers sign a contract which states that they, and their employees, sha'n't ever disparage him.

I keep waiting for the total implosion, but it hasn't quite happened yet. In a nation of three hundred million people, there are enough idiots willing to line your pockets to their own detriment... the well-heeled people who are being stiffed are evil, not stupid, they'll probably bail soon.


  1. He has such a warm, natural smile.

  2. Here is something just for you:

    I don't know how else to share it with you.

  3. Actually, he's been stiffing them all, big fish and minnows, for at least thirty years. It turns out that the actual "art of the deal" is to make any deal at all, then, when the time comes to pay up, offer nickels on the dollar or nothing at all. He's made a lot of money doing that, but he's made a lot of enemies - no US banks will deal with him at all, full stop, any more. They've been burned too many times before....

  4. Although we know Trump is "fabulously successful", "has a great brain" and "the best words", I've been wondering for some time if this whole thing is going to end with an appearance by Nemesis, the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris.

  5. He has such a warm, natural smile.

    Like a crocodilian... but without the charm.

    I don't know how else to share it with you.

    Thanks, I take my cue from the big, bad wolf.

    It turns out that the actual "art of the deal" is to make any deal at all, then, when the time comes to pay up, offer nickels on the dollar or nothing at all.

    The deal is to steal... I think the long con is drawing to an end... nobody left to grift.

    Although we know Trump is "fabulously successful", "has a great brain" and "the best words", I've been wondering for some time if this whole thing is going to end with an appearance by Nemesis, the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris.

    That explains the 'Giant Asteroid 2016' campaign.
