Monday, April 18, 2016

What a Time for Seccession Talk!

Via Tengrain, we have news of the next upcoming Texas secession vote... it seems like we have to hear this song and dance routine every three or four years, and the Texas GOPers are still holding out on us. The timing of this current vote to secede is a bit, to put it mildly, awkward, as Houston is in the midst of a flooding disaster that has largely shut down the city and had left over 100,000 houses without electricity. Texas is going to need federal aid... let's see who votes 'yes' on secession when there's a need for federal largesse.

It's annoying how often we have to hear from the Confederate Nostalgia Wing of the Texas state house, maybe the real solution would be to deport all of these assholes to a seastead where they can form their own libertarian John Galt paradise. I feel sorry for the good people of Tejas who have to put up with this nonsense... go out and vote, please, and get rid of the Gohmerts and Cruzes. In the meantime, stay safe, high, and dry. If things get really bad, the rest of the U.S. will be there with the aid, despite the wishes of your elected officials.


  1. They're tough talkers but no one is going to secede. No one was talking about this sort of thing back when a Texan drove the economy into the ditch and invaded the wrong country.

    In other news, I have survived Houston's third major flood in less than a year. After the last one - last Memorial Day - Sentaor Cruz stood behind and verbally supported our mayor in asking for federal disaster assistance. He had opposed that for Hurricane Sandy, a storm with the good sense to hit a place other than Texas.

  2. How can we miss them if they won't go away?

    Too true... these guys never seem to go Galt.

    In other news, I have survived Houston's third major flood in less than a year. After the last one - last Memorial Day - Sentaor Cruz stood behind and verbally supported our mayor in asking for federal disaster assistance. He had opposed that for Hurricane Sandy, a storm with the good sense to hit a place other than Texas.

    Our New York values say that we should help everyone, no matter where they live... Senator Cruz doesn't believe in our New York values.
