Wednesday, July 22, 2015

For The Record, I Did Not Scream Like a Baby

When it's really hot outside, I typically wear shorts to work. Recently, I had to get something out of a low cabinet, and while sitting on the floor, I saw this critter about three inches from my knee:

That is one of the biggest house centipedes (Scutigera coleoptrata) I've ever seen, probably about an inch and a half in length but looking a lot longer, due to the length of its legs.

House centipedes are uncanny critters, fast, alien, and venomous, though they seem not to be "biters". I'm not the squeamish sort, but the idea of this unheimlich beast being so close to my skin was pretty freaky. For the record, I did not scream, but I did jerk my knee away in a fashion which would have been very comical to a bystander. Good thing I was working alone.


  1. I have to admit I did scream like a baby last night when I went to pick off a dried leaf from a bucket which turned out to be a huge moth which flew in to my face. You were very brave, it is a big 'un.

  2. I made quite a squeak/squeal/"Yikes!!" two days ago when I felt something crawling on my leg. A roach. Not very unusual, but ...

  3. I have to admit I did scream like a baby last night when I went to pick off a dried leaf from a bucket which turned out to be a huge moth which flew in to my face. You were very brave, it is a big 'un.

    It took a lot of self restraint!

    I hate those little bastards nearly as much as I hate squirrels. I am happy to know the scientific name when I smoosh the little shits.

    I've made my peace with them... they actually have an interesting color scheme. There are so many deleterious arthropods, these guys are actually friends, although most people don't know it.

    I made quite a squeak/squeal/"Yikes!!" two days ago when I felt something crawling on my leg. A roach. Not very unusual, but ...

    You want me to mail you a box of centipedes? They'll make short work of those roaches.

  4. I have captured one and viewed it using a scanning electron microscope. Surprisingly, it didn't make it less frightening...
