Sunday, July 19, 2015

Deep Green, Dark Gray

It's been hot and humid here in the NY metro area lately, the sort of weather that causes even guys like me to have a bad hair day. Yesterday, it must have rained hard during the midday hours, because there were residual puddles on the ground. It was a good day for amphibians, and the amphibians were out in force in the evening.

Right outside the building, I saw a frog which, judging buy its size, was probably a common green frog (Rana clamitans) or a small bullfrog (bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)- in all the confusion, I didn't pay attention to whether or not it had the green frog's dorsolateral ridges. At any rate, it was considerably smaller than this behemoth, which was as big as my fist.

Also outside the building was this particularly dark (compare to these guys) little American toad:

On days like this, the swampy air seems to act as an extension of the onsite body of water. I know I feel kinda bogged down in all this humidity.


  1. I got a similar combo in W.V. after some of the rain storms last week. Little toad in back, I think pickerel frog in the front yard. I'll put their pics in a post later this week.

    I'm in Columbus today, and look, another goat!

  2. I got a similar combo in W.V. after some of the rain storms last week. Little toad in back, I think pickerel frog in the front yard. I'll put their pics in a post later this week.

    That is a classic combo. The best time to find frogs is the early morning, just find a dewy meadow near a body of water and shuffle your feet, and they will leap out of your way.
