Sunday, July 26, 2015

Appropriate for Today's Soundtrack

It's almost midnight, I think I'll fall back on the 'post a video' gambit in order to get a post in for the day... One album that I have listened the hell out of was Strange Times by The Chameleons, a band from the greater Manchester metropolitan area which combined a guitar-heavy wall of sound, driving rhythm section, and deep, distinctive vocals. Despite having this album on heavy rotation, I really never sought out the band's other albums until recently. Tonight, I was struck by how prophetic the song title A Person Isn't Safe Anywhere These Days is:

The band's sound was well-developed from the get-go, a moody body of work that seems to occupy a space in the soundscape midway between Joy Division and Echo and the Bunnymen. I guess I'll be listening to their entire discography over the next couple of days.