Thursday, April 9, 2015

Unconditional Surrender Day

Taking a page out of Tengrain's book, I have decided to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the surrender of the traitor Robert E. Lee and the defeat of the Confederate States of America, a nation rooted in racism, sustained by slavery, and birthed in treason. It is unfortunate that the ringleaders of the Confederacy, such as Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, weren't hanged like the traitorous dogs and war criminals they were.

Many years ago, I visited the battlefield at Gettysburg for the first time. While standing on Cemetery Ridge, overlooking the site of Pickett's Charge, I overheard an elderly woman lamenting, "If only we'd won, things would be so much better today." I started chortling and snorting in derision, noting that she was probably of the "cannon fodder" class that died so that plutocrats could own people even more poor and degraded than they were. I have no doubt that, had she been a resident of a late 20th Century Confederate States of America, she would not have had the right to vote, and she probably wouldn't have had the right to own property.

It's amazing that people still believe in the nobility of the Southern Cause, and pine for time when they would be worse off than they are, only taking solace in the fact that "those people" were still chattel.

Happy Unconditional Surrender Day! Let us honor the great heroes of the United States such as Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman, who defeated those who committed Treason in Defense of Slavery.


  1. We have a long tradition of letting our own war criminals off the hook, don't we? And it continues to this day.

  2. We have a long tradition of letting our own war criminals off the hook, don't we? And it continues to this day.

    This is why we can't have nice things.
