Saturday, April 4, 2015

Now, That's What I Call a Moon!

Here in the northeastern United States, we didn't experience the lunar eclipse, but we sure have a gorgeous full moon tonight. I'd always been taught that Easter fell on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox, but the calculation of the date of Easter caused a great controversy in the early Christian church, and Orthodox churches calculate the date differently. This year, the Orthodox Easter falls on the 12th- I always make a note of it because it usually means that I can pick up a leg of lamb or two for a lot less money than I'd usually spend.

I just came back from my regular walkabout, and took time from glorying in the gorgeous moonlight to tell a nice couple that they had to leave the premises. I know the view is pretty, and the spot you were in was easily accessible from the street, but I can't have you tripping, falling, and suing. Sorry, people, my rent money is more important than your mood.

As usual, religious fundamentalists ruin everything- they look at a beautiful celestial phenomenon and they lose their shit over it. Forget the assertion that "people of faith" are humble, they think that they are the center of the universe. Imagine, looking up at the sky and reducing its majesty to something small enough to fit into their narrowly-interpreted book.

Tengrain has done his Blog Against Theocracy bit, so I guess I'll consider this post and yesterday's post as my contributions. Seriously, these people need to shut their book and take a look... if they truly believe in a transcendent God, they shouldn't try to interpret an astronomical marvel into a sign of such parochial matters.


  1. Each time it's claimed to be a warning about current events, yet any star-namer worth her salt can predict all such events millennia in advance.

    All fear-mongering.

  2. A few years ago, anyone talking about "blood moons" got soundly ridiculed for being an ookie-spookie magical-thinking pretentious cockwomble. Now the entire media have swallowed the End-of-Times Christianists' framing and have mainstreamed their Revelations cosplay. It is very depressing.

    In *my* theology, each "lunar eclipse" -- far from being a recurring planetary event -- is a "Sky-Dragon-Swallowed Moon", but do the media parrot my preferred term and give my theology the credence it deserves? DO THEY BOGROLL.

  3. The TPP is a harbinger of the End Times, unbelievers!

  4. All fear-mongering.

    Yeah, pretty much.

    A few years ago, anyone talking about "blood moons" got soundly ridiculed for being an ookie-spookie magical-thinking pretentious cockwomble. Now the entire media have swallowed the End-of-Times Christianists' framing and have mainstreamed their Revelations cosplay. It is very depressing.

    It is disquieting. This eschatological view of the world wasn't even mainstream among evangelical Christians. Wha'ppen?

    The TPP is a harbinger of the End Times, unbelievers!

    It's Economic End Times. Funny how they don't realize that the race to the bottom wage-wise will ensure that nobody buys their crap.
