Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Worst of Humanity, the Best of Humanity

It's official, humanitarian aid worker Kayla Mueller was killed while being held hostage by ISIS. Ms Mueller represented the best of humanity, after spending her youth serving humanitarian causes at home and abroad, she gave her life while working to ameliorate human suffering. The world is diminished by her loss at the hands of the worst of humanity. One of the greatest tragedies of the human condition is that the worst of us, those who are consumed by hatred, by an urge to dominate others, tend to kill those of us who are loving and selfless... aggression beats agape, such is the lot of our species.

As if the murder of Kayla Mueller weren't horrible enough, knuckle-dragging conservatives here in the 'States are bashing her. There is little difference between ISIS and these "good American patriots"- really, the only difference is that the U.S. is still a functioning secular democracy, something which these monsters are trying to change. Fatwah envy is one of the hallmarks of American conservatism, with all of the misogyny that entails.


  1. People like Debbie Schlussel and Joel Pollack who are demeaning Mueller as an "anti-Semite" for wanting to aid the people of Palestine for one thing, might not actually understand what "anti-Semitic" is, and seem to have come to the conclusion that if Israel has decided to leave people homeless as an example, then no one at all has any business caring if innocent children die of exposure as a result--it was their fault, after all, for being born Palestinian.

    It disgusts me that there is such a need to "thugify" victims and prove they deserved what came to them, that they would almost seem to be in agreement with ISIL (not so different for D'Souza's treatise on how America earned Al-Qaeda's enmity by having freedoms they could hate).

    Kayla Mueller was innocent of any wrongdoing. She was a peacenik. ISIL is a murderous bunch of cretins. Anything that loses sight of "ISIL bad" and "their victims are victims" is just pathology.

  2. knuckle-dragging conservatives here in the 'States are bashing her

    "Y'all Qaeda," as tengrain calls them.

  3. People like Debbie Schlussel and Joel Pollack who are demeaning Mueller as an "anti-Semite" for wanting to aid the people of Palestine for one thing, might not actually understand what "anti-Semitic" is

    They are conflating "Likud Party" with "Jews".

    If you want to live in a brutal theocracy, there is no daylight between Erik Erikson and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi....

    That's why they hate each other so much- the "narcissism of small difference".

    Hate is hate which ever so called religion you are hiding behind. They are all the same, sick, hate filled people striving to get attention.

    And, even worse, striving to get authority over others.

    "Y'all Qaeda," as tengrain calls them.

    AKA, Talibangelicals, Teahadis
