Tuesday, February 3, 2015

E. coli Conservatism Isreal!

Via Tengrain, we have a wonderful tale of E. coli conservatism from North Carolina. In a crusade against the tyranny of burdensome government regulations, Senator Thom Tillis pulled this wonderful talking point out of his ass, recalling a conversation with a constituent:

“She said, for example, don’t you believe that the regulation that requires this gentleman to wash his hands before he serves your food is important, that it should be on the books?” Tillis recalled.

Tillis replied: “I don’t have any problem with Starbucks if they choose to opt out of this policy as long as they post a sign that says ‘We don’t require our employees to wash their hands after leaving the restroom.’”

Instead, Tillis believes that full disclosure of such lax hygiene policies would be a strong enough deterrent on its own to put the store out of business. “The market would take care of that,” he said.

Yeah... that's the classic Libertarian argument, let the market take care of shit in your coffee. Seeing a restaurant close down because it served contaminated food is a great consolation to someone facing the prospect of kidney failure due to E. coli poisoning. In a stellar example of hypocrisy, Tillis, who received a 35% permanent disability rating due to an automobile accident is an advocate of tort reform who wishes to cap awards for damages in civil suits. You got it, the guy who doesn't think that restaurant employees should have to wash their hands, and thinks that the market would sort out resultant problems, wants to limit the rights of individuals harmed by unsanitary conditions to sue for damages. On the one hand, he wants to throw away regulations, on the other, he wants throw away Joe and Flo Schmo's ability to benefit from the "market forces" he wishes to replace regulations with. Basically, he wants to remove consumer protections at the same time he removes reparations... put succinctly, he wants to screw the little people.

Also, what the hell is up with every wingnut's fascination with Starbucks? First we have psycho pastor "semen lattes", now we have Senator "this coffee tastes like shit"... whoa, could Tillis have some inside information? Is Starbucks going to serve kopi luwak?

Title yoinked from one of the funniest brainfarts of one of the dumbest d00ds on the internet.


  1. In the Church of the Magic Market one of the saints will be Typhoid Mary, Virgin and Martyr. "She wouldn't wash her hands for no regulator."

  2. I have a theory about libertarians that they all attended high school classes called "Civics", but due to education funding shortfalls, those classes were presided over by gym teachers who decided to run dodgeball games instead. Thus they have a sense that all civics boils down to dodgeball.

    I sometimes call this the "Highlander Theory" because in dodgeball, there can be only one. And with all the epidemics, accidents, and general greedy grifting polluting and shooting and starving and medical care denying that libertarianism would result in, the population of humanity will eventually be, like, one guy.

    And yes, that final guy will totally suck. F* him.

  3. In the Church of the Magic Market one of the saints will be Typhoid Mary, Virgin and Martyr. "She wouldn't wash her hands for no regulator."

    Oh, yeah, that's for sure.

    Glibbertarianism is just a big con.

    Funny how many people buy into it, and by funny, I mean tragic.

    And yes, that final guy will totally suck. F* him.

    Yeah, he'll be the guy sitting on a pile of greenbacks in a smoldering ruin, and thinking he "won".

  4. Funny how many people buy into it, and by funny, I mean tragic.

    They all look round the room and think "Oh, there's the mark, that means I'm not the mark. because there can only be one."

  5. Perhaps one of The Help should bake Tillis a special pie.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
