Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Notebook

I was planning on doing the lecture recap for Monday's Secret Science Club event, but I forgot to bring my notes to work, where I typically have a bit of quiet in which to write. I totally feel like a dumbass- I kept telling myself all afternoon, "Don't forget your notebook, don't forget your notebook." I even made sure I put it next to my wallet and my two keychains (I keep my work keys and my personal keys separate... I've always bought into that too many keys on the keychain trope, and I prefer not to carry too many keys while I'm walking the grounds at work- makes it harder to slip into ninja-mode.

At any rate, when I get home from work this morning, I will slip my little yellow book into the inside pocket of my oversized (even for me) Carhartt hoodie. If I leave without that, I'll have bigger problems than leaving my notebook at home.


  1. in 1993 I bought an Apple Newton, kicking off a long-term love affair with handheld devices that is a lot less fun now that everybody and their dog has one.

    But this acquisition triggered a second lifelong obsession: The man-purse. For the last 20 years I have carried with me some iteration of a shoulder bag. Everything that I want to take out the door goes in the man purse, and that way I don't have to think or remember - I just grab it and go. I've got weapons, water, tools, a flashlight, a tablet computer, charger, cables, hairbrush, glasses, bluetooth speaker system - everything I need.

    My most recent man purse is the "Fat Boy" by Maxpedition. It's pretty terrific. I highly recommend the use of such a carry-all. Makes life a whole lot easier...

  2. I've got weapons, water, tools, a flashlight, a tablet computer, charger, cables, hairbrush, glasses, bluetooth speaker system - everything I need.

    What is this strange "hairbrush" device you speak of?

  3. I once mentioned buying hair detangler at the drug store on a thread at Herr Doc Bimler's place and his simple three word response was "mikey is banned"...

  4. But this acquisition triggered a second lifelong obsession: The man-purse. For the last 20 years I have carried with me some iteration of a shoulder bag.

    I invariably carry a backpack to work- every night is an overnight camping trip. I don't typically carry a bag in NYC, unless I'm going to the dojo, when I carry a huge gym bag with my gi, a pair of flip-flops, and often my contact lens paraphernalia.

    I have a handy-dandy backpack I like to use.

    I have a regular backpack and a 100 ounce Camelbak I use for long bike rides or hikes.

    What is this strange "hairbrush" device you speak of?

    Yeah, right?

    I once mentioned buying hair detangler at the drug store on a thread at Herr Doc Bimler's place and his simple three word response was "mikey is banned"...

    Smut has a lovely head of hair- he totally looks like a member of an arty, cerebral metal band.

  5. "mikey is banned"
    You can come back when you're WEARING PANTS.
