Friday, October 3, 2014

Down to the Wire

Tomorrow is the start of the fall fundraising season. Tonight, there was a "friends and family" event for the contract workers who are the bulk of our event staff. While it's a nice little perk for the employees, the ticket giveaway also allowed us to perform a "dry run" with a friendly audience so we can determine if there are any potential snags that would affect the real event. Pretty crafty, eh?

Right now, there is a small army of technicians on the property, putting the last touches on the event grounds and battening down the hatches, because the weather is supposed to get foul. We lucked out with the weather last year... can't win them all.

To compound the nuttiness of my day, I am planning on heading down to Manhattan for the first day of the Saturday morning coaching gig. I have my gym bag packed, and plan on leaving the house after catching a couple of hours of sleep. I figure I can map on the crash pads in the dojo when we don't have students present. It's going to be a nutty, nutty day- I already have a pot of coffee set up for brewing tomorrow morning. Dear departed Uncle Warren wrote the theme song for this time of the year:

Pretty much sums it up...


  1. I am not sure how "Sleep when I'm dead" is supposed to cheer me up. The dreams are bad enough already.

  2. You're a better man than I, Gunga Din.

    P.S. Big chunks of hail coming down here now. Could be headed your way.

  3. Odd. After a cool summer, we're having our annual "Indian Summer" (a Dan Snyder production) with 100 degree temperatures in places that seldom top 75. Good luck with that 'weather' stuff - I've read about it and it sounds quite exciting...

  4. I am not sure how "Sleep when I'm dead" is supposed to cheer me up. The dreams are bad enough already.

    Smut fhtagn!

    P.S. Big chunks of hail coming down here now. Could be headed your way.

    Drizzle all morning, wicked downpour for ten minutes right before the event. Gorgeous weather for the event itself.

    Good luck with that 'weather' stuff - I've read about it and it sounds quite exciting...

    I have to admit I need it, even if it sometimes sucks. I don't think I could deal with uniformly beautiful conditions.
