Saturday, August 16, 2014

One! Two! Three! For...ty Years Ago

Forty years ago, to the day, four kids from Queens played their first gig. The music world was never the same since- the DIY approach that the punks ushered in informed electronic music and hip-hop. If four guys who can't play like virtuosos can be rock stars, so can you.

Enough of my yapping, how about a video of a live performance from 1974, just about a month after the band's first gig? Here's Judy is a Punk:

Now, how about that ode to teen responsibility, Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue?

We'll finish off with I Don't Want to Go down to the Basement:

Gabba Gabba History, people!


  1. You mean, five yrs. to the day after the middle day of Woodstock? Hmmm ...

    Always partial to "Lobotomy" & "I Don't Care" myself.

  2. Or as the band themselves called it, "Teenage Lobotomy."

  3. I always liked the punk approach to song structure. 2:30, strong melodies, awesome hooks.

    It's like the anti-pop...

  4. Abysmal. Atrocious. Awful. And that's just some of the A's.

    Weren't they totes Amazeballs!!!

  5. You mean, five yrs. to the day after the middle day of Woodstock? Hmmm ...

    They were a needed corrective.

    I always liked the punk approach to song structure. 2:30, strong melodies, awesome hooks.

    It's like the anti-pop...

    Or like bubblegum pop that's been on the sidewalk for way too long.

    Abysmal. Atrocious. Awful. And that's just some of the A's.

    Weren't they totes Amazeballs!!!

    You know it, the combo worked perfectly.
