Monday, August 11, 2014

Now, This is a Bummer!

I just heard the news that Robin Williams, who had battled addiction and depression for many years, took his own life. I can't say that I was his biggest fan (I thought his manic humor was a bit too forced and scattershot, and his dramatic roles a bit too treacly- but I'm a cynical bastard), but I recognize that he brought laughter and entertainment to millions of viewers. At any rate, his death is tragic and unfortunate... I'm reminded of Edwin Arlington Robinson's poem Richard Cory- the extent of his pain was hidden from his fans. Personally, I think the following parody was the funniest thing he ever did- a funny concept, executed flawlessly:

I also lament the missed opportunities that Mr Williams' death has robbed the public of... he would have been great playing a satirical doppelganger of Bill O'Reilly.

Rest in peace, funnyman...


  1. I remember Mork and Mindy. I liked a bunch of his stuff.

  2. The Bill O'Reilly thing is pretty funny. But I am pretty bummed out about Robins passing. RIP.
