Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Third Cat?

Long time readers of this blog will be familiar with my co-workers and companions Fred and Ginger. This summer hasn't been overly hot, but the cats are shedding to a fare-the-well. Fred, in particular, has some matting in his hair, which necessitated a serious brushing:

That's a fraction of the clouds of hair that came off of that cat- there was enough hair that I could have sculpted a third cat out of it. Fred is a lot more patient than Ginger is, the only way I could get Ginger to stay still (she has ADD) would be to use a cat deactivator on her:

Gotta put in a request for office supplies...


  1. For some reason I thought I was going to see a clip from MST3K. I’ll assume that’s a joke. A really weird joke.

    But those are some seriously cute kitties! Marmalade cats are extra-sweet. (Haha, I am sorry.)

    Shedding, yes. PRO TIP: Just buy clothes that are the same color as the cat and forget it.

  2. Fred looks pretty happy with life there. I can hear him purring through the screen.

  3. I never look more comical than when I'm seen crawling after tantalizing cat Sasha on all fours with a brush in hand. Wife gets uncontrollable giggles. Cat seems to delight in my humiliation.

  4. Mrs Spat -- who is a big bag of floof with a cat inside -- produces fur-kittens on a regular basis.

  5. But those are some seriously cute kitties! Marmalade cats are extra-sweet. (Haha, I am sorry.)

    I have long been partial to marmies.

    Fred looks pretty happy with life there. I can hear him purring through the screen.

    He has a pretty good gig. He's even warmed to the visitors who descend on the site. Shy no more!

    I never look more comical than when I'm seen crawling after tantalizing cat Sasha on all fours with a brush in hand. Wife gets uncontrollable giggles. Cat seems to delight in my humiliation.

    Cats are like that- always looking to send us up.

    Mrs Spat -- who is a big bag of floof with a cat inside -- produces fur-kittens on a regular basis.

    You should see if you could felt that cat hair- Mrs Spat is so big, you could probably produce a couple of vests a year.
