Monday, June 9, 2014

Pumpkin and Honey Bundy

Reading up on the couple who shot two cops and a civilian before killing themselves in a Las Vegas Walmart, I am getting less of a "revolutionary" vibe than a "Pumpkin and Honey Bunny" vibe:

Oops, the male shooter did a stint at the Bundy Ranch, make that Pumpkin (Pumpaction?) and Honey Bundy.

Meanwhile, conspiracy diva Alex Jones wants to make the shootings all about him... damn, what a narcissist! If the government wanted to silence the guy, they could have whisked him away to a FEMA camp with an enforced vegan dietary regime faster than he could have said "false flag". When the Wendy's triple bacon cheeseburgers finally make him go the way of still-dead Breitbart, his audience will claim that the government did him in... did you know that the CIA has poison darts that can mimic the effects of years of arteriosclerosis?

The whole damn country needs a chill pill at this point.


  1. Except the narrative we're getting is that Honey had the lead in this. She killed the cop getting a soda pop refill (look, I TOLD you sugary drinx would kill you) and she shot Pumpkin, and then killed herself.

    Man, these people are so fucking BAD at this. The US has no real paramilitary forces. Sure, we have militarized cops, but they don't really expect to face this kind of deadly resistance.

    If I was them, I could set up a perimeter with IEDs, carry in plenty of firepower and food, and make them dig me out at the cost of a few dozen dead and a babbling brook of blood.

    On my way, I could drop a major bridge and at least one building. Once you've come to accept that you're not going home, you should be able to do almost immeasurable harm.

    Once again, the fact that war has never found it's way to our shores makes our people soft, and unable to do the hard things. Which is something we should be deeply grateful for...

    1. Well, it's a good thing you've thought this out... I... guess?

  2. Just heard there's a shooter at a local high school. This shit has gotten way totally completely out of hand. Not that any such event isn't too much.

  3. OK, so NOW it turns out that the dood they killed in Walmart was the oft-discussed but seldom seen "good guy with a gun". Untrained, excited, he drew and threw down on Pumpkin. And HunnyBunny stepped up behind him and blew him to hell.

    Ah well, at least he didn't go all spray and pray on them and drive up the body count. But c'mon - these mythical good guys with guns tend to be somewhere between useless and counterproductive...

  4. Man, these people are so fucking BAD at this.

    It's like some form of lethal cargo cult. "I have a gun now! Magical things will happen when I pull the trigger; police stations will spontaneously explode and the revolution will begin!" Was it the acquisition of guns that destroyed the last vestigial grip these eedjits held on reality, or were they already living far away in their personal heroic movie script?

    did you know that the CIA has poison darts that can mimic the effects of years of arteriosclerosis?

    Do they have one that mimics the effects of years of excessive drinking? Because that's the excuse I'm using at the moment.

  5. "I have a gun now! Magical things will happen when I pull the trigger;

    two things i've seen recently that i find worrying:

    1)a bumper sticker on a truck that read 'keep honking, i'm reloading'

    b)wedding pictures featuring the bride and groom proudly packing heat and showing off their guns

    what is wrong with these people?! in the first case, why would you be proud that you meet any annoyance in your life with a a hail of gunfire? sounds legit...

    and your guns are SO important to you that they prominently feature in your wedding day photos? in all fairness, there's been multiple marriages between the couple, so maybe it's some sort of commitment insurance?

    i just find people and their guns to be weird...
