Friday, May 16, 2014

The Revolting Are Revolting!

I have not experienced such sustained belly laughs in a l-o-n-g time... the snarknado surrounding Operation American Spring has to be the funniest sustained joke I've encountered in years.

The whole revolution was a joke before it even began. On one of the more fringe-y right wing sites, a concerned "patriot" wrote:

I sure hope you have researched the colonels bio since he served at NSA and was in army intelligence with a book written in psychological warfare.

I joined for a few months and watched the chat site. The colonel says 10 million, but I talked to one of the organizers and that person told me no more than 2 million. Then, there was the resignation of 4 or 5 of the original organizers of the OAS. For me, I was told that I was a troll because I asked a few decent questions such as bathroom facilities provided, where to meet, etc. At the most the chat site had from 12-36 people and they were clannish to outsides.

The concept is wonderful, but I doubt if they get more than 100 people show up and they being mostly from the east coast.

How many revolutions were thwarted by inadequate access to toilet? As Morrissey would put it, "I would revolt tonight, but they haven't got a shitter there."

Meanwhile, the fever swamps of Free Republic (not gonna link) are strangely quiet, with only two threads concerning the event, which many of the Freepers have concluded was a false flag event, though there are some hilarious conspiracy theories:

Those motel/hotels could have been booked by Democrat Politicians to prevent Marchers from having a place to stay. When they call for a room, well we have no vacancies. This should have been co ordinated with a huge political backing and reservations to be successful. Now it looks like the people aren’t interested in taking the country back.

Ah, Freepers...

Meanwhile, far to the west, a couple of Bundy supporters took to crowdsourcing sites to fund their efforts, with predictably hilarious results. I imagine old Cliven will tell them to shove it when they come to him for a handout.

It's been one hell of a week, and I, for one, am LOVING IT!


  1. As the damn kids say: ell oh ell.

  2. As the damn kids say: ell oh ell.

  3. I think they were hedging heir bets on not providing for port-a-potties: with their optimistic estimates, they might have been outnumbered by crappers!

    Sheesh--if Bundy isn't paying grazing fees as it is, can anyone wonder why he thinks he should have a standing militia for free?

  4. In the fever swamps, EVERYTHING is a false flag operation. Which leads me to wonder: Has there ever been a successful, large-scale false flag operation? I can't be arsed to look it up, but as someone who reads a lot of history, particularly military history, I am not familiar with a single case...

  5. I admit, I'm wondering what this false flag operation is supposed to achieve by all the falseness and flagging. Is it supposed to discredit the overthrow-the-tyranny loons? Like the Moony Times and Fox and the Tea-party grifters will suddenly withdraw their attention from similar rallies in the future because this one was such a pitiful debacle? None of the previous debacles having disillusioned them...
