Friday, May 2, 2014

May Madness

So it begins... tonight is the first night of our new "swing for the fences" spring fundraiser. Our board wants to recapture the October magic that rakes in the majority of our organization's income. This morning, the technicians working on last-minute adjustments didn't leave until after 3AM. I am at my usual worksite, but will be heading to the site that's hosting the fundraiser in a few minutes. After locking up the place and checking to see that all is well, I have to return to the usual place in order to ready it for the first day of our regular season. I already turned on the public drinking fountain in front of the building- I don't expect any sudden freezes at this stage of the year.

My co-worker **REDACTED** will be heading up to shut down and lock up after the fundraiser tomorrow, so I'll be in the usual spot, closing up after opening day. I'll have some time to play around with the cats, and to harvest some of the stinging nettles which are finally coming out of the soil after a harsh winter.

The past couple of weeks have been a lot like October... I haven't done the full "Captain Nemo" act like I do then (I go down in the "submarine" and won't surface for a month), but if this new fundraiser is a hit, then it will be expanded, because nothing succeeds like success. It'll be another month of craziness, but anything that brings in cash helps to ensure my continuing employment.

In instances like this, one has to defer to the wisdom of Wreckless Eric:


  1. My huge haul of foraged porcini. Let me show you them.

  2. Well then, I hope you and yours rake it in, B^4.

  3. My huge haul of foraged porcini. Let me show you them.

    Grrrr... jealous... grumble...

    Well then, I hope you and yours rake it in, B^4.

    They'll probably give us a nice picnic in August...
