Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Coda to My Last Post

Tonight, I have a bunch of technicians crawling all over the site that I am working, so I don't have time to compose a lengthy post. Instead, I will link to a couple of the august residents of my blogroll concerning Tuesday night's speaker.

I will start with the brilliant Smut Clyde, who OBS believes is asking to borrow the keys to the "Riddled" time machine in roundabout fashion.

Next up are a couple of posts at the indefinitely suspended House of Substance- "COME BACK, MR McGRAVITAS!!!" In the comments, Thunder rightly notes that Dr Pinker's veritas sux. I'd add, "Better dead than crimson."

Anyway, I enjoyed the man's lecture last night, even though some of his findings are controversial. It's nice to hear something optimistic about the "arc of history" once in a while. I generally don't moderate comments (obvious spam is an exception, though the filter picks up most of it), so anybody who wants to hurl batteries is free to do so.


  1. O.K., no way will I think about thinking (There is a wormy rabbit-hole to be avoided!) let alone do enough cogitatin' for something typing-worthy.

    As to iNternet friends M.I.A., I wonder if our friend may have discovered there is a world out there & is enjoying it. Our loss, & maybe even his gain.

  2. As to iNternet friends M.I.A., I wonder if our friend may have discovered there is a world out there & is enjoying it. Our loss, & maybe even his gain.


    I should drop him an e-mail.

  3. Might be passing through McGravitas City in August, so I should drop him a line as well.

  4. Pinker-bashing aside, kudos to SSC for recruiting such a high-profile speaker.
