Monday, March 10, 2014

Hit the Mother Lode

I fear this post will be perfuctory, because of the subject matter... I found a treasure trove of old books and periodicals on the web. Right now, I'm working through an issue of Weird Tales, and I see a buttload of Amazing Science Fiction Stories. It's a wonder that I stopped to put up a post at all. It'll be wonder if I post again in the next two or three months. I figure I can pad out this post by posting an old video for one of my favorite XTC songs:

If Andy Partridge had had the internet back in the day, would he have been able to amass such an incredible body of work?

UPDATE: Is using a blog post as a "bookmark" a cop-out, or a brilliant ploy?


  1. Mr. BBBB, I am a read-o-holic, and gave away almost a room-full of back issues of F&SF, Amazing, Astounding, and the like when I moved from California. I've been missing them. Some of the stories were amazingly good for "pulp" fiction. Now I've got them back!

    Thanks for the link. Now I'll be over there reading instead of lurking here. I'll come back every oncet in a while to see if you've posted about your feline coworkers, tho...

  2. The real gems of cheap fiction at that site are the archives of The American Conservative, The Cato Journal, and everything "The Heartland Institute" has put out.

  3. The American Mercury in the 50s is a gas. Thanks for the link, Baldy.

  4. You, you, you you-know-what, you. Now I'll never finish any of the zillion other things I have bookmarked.
