Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Dear readers, here's wishing you all a very happy Valentine's Day. At the mothership, some bastard brought up famous record producer and disco impresario Giorgio Moroder. This being Valentine's Day, a day which has become synonymous with amore, I figured I'd post a video for an appropriate song by Don Moroder, a disco masterpiece featuring a vocal by legendary diva Donna Summer:

Here's hoping you all feel love on this day.


  1. Made it w/ 51 mins. to spare, your time!!

    I didn't feel any, but I saw a lot of it for sale.

  2. My grandfather, step-grandfather's name was Valentine.

  3. Well, dammit.

    I thought we would get some fascinating insight into the romantic adventures of one Big Bad Bald Bastard. That seems to be a part of Mr. Bastard's life that goes unblogged.

    But to attempt a thready comment mashup, I thought of Michael Valentine Smith and wondered if you could do a version of "I feel love" substituting "Thou art god". Then I got hungry and decided to go to Trader Joes...

  4. I always think of Michael Valentine Smith on the Valentine's week. But there is no joy or perfect love in my personal Mudville today….

  5. I always think of Michael Valentine Smith on the Valentine's week. But there is no joy or perfect love in my personal Mudville today….

  6. I was a late starter as a gay man so missed Donna at the clubs"
    Wonderful vid
