Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Who You Calling Clumsy?

The conclusion by a British researcher that cats view their human associates (owners, ha!) as "larger, non-hostile cats" is getting some mileage in the blogosphere, usually with the proviso that the felines view us with pity due to our lack of cat-like grace (ninjas and gymnasts not included in this category).

I've often heard the analogy that cats tend to look at us as mother-substitutes. In the case of my feline associates, I'd best be likened to the cloth mother- the cats have typically been fed by the day shift (plus all the meeses they can get their claws in). I, working the night shift, have always been more of a playmate- the two cats follow me around the site when I do my periodic walkabouts, Fred typically at my heels, like a little dog, and Ginger running back and forth, stalking me.

Last week, during the cold snap, I think the cats looked at me like some sort of librarian or shop clerk, arranging them on shelves, Ginger on the left and Fred on the right:

The "shelf" that they are sitting on is actually a radiator cover... the photo was taken on a night when the mercury hit single digits. Whatever they think of us humans, cats are no dummies when it comes to finding comfortable spots.

Here's a comical picture of Ginger, the more curious of the two, trying to figure out what the shiny object in my hand was:

I hope she's not wondering how I can work such a complicated device while being so clumsy and oafish...


  1. I knew this post would be about the staff kitties when I saw it in the bogroll!

  2. Ginger has a nice face
    He looks like a cartoon!

  3. I was told that cats think they're human and dogs think you're a dog. I don't know about that, but it's sure an intimate, recprocal relationship we have developed with them.

  4. Ginger, are you aware you're a cat?

    Hilarious. I need a mic...

    I knew this post would be about the staff kitties when I saw it in the bogroll!

    I'm too obvious!

    Ginger is a serious cat.

    It's a put-on, she's a major goofball!

    Ginger has a nice face
    He looks like a cartoon!

    Ginger's a gurl, she's named after Ginger Rogers, not for her hair color. She's very pretty, and she sure acts in cartoonish fashion.

    I was told that cats think they're human and dogs think you're a dog. I don't know about that, but it's sure an intimate, recprocal relationship we have developed with them.

    I've heard it said that we feed dogs and they think we're gods, while we feed cats and they think they're gods.
