Monday, December 23, 2013

I Celebrate it Year Round!

So, today is Festivus, a "holiday" characterized by the airing of grievances and feats of strength. Meh, I air my grievances on this blog on a regular basis and go to a dojo to get my "feats of strength" card punched. Why limit these activities to one day?

Speaking about airings of grievances and feats of strength, I just discovered the hilarious "Jane Austen's Fight Club":

For those of you celebrating Festivus, have a productive one... what adjective does one use to describe such a holiday? "Merry" or "Happy" don't fit. Cathartic Festivus?


  1. I'll be putting up Festivus Animals if I get around to it.

    I still gots to buy some presents...

  2. I still gots to buy some presents...

    By which you mean booze, amirite?

  3. Here's a Festivus present.

    (You can use it if you want, I'm not going to post it meself.)

  4. Festivus for the rest of us to you, too!

  5. Here's a Festivus present.

    Those are some feats of strength!

    Festivus for the rest of us to you, too!

    Thank you! May your grievances be addressed!
