Sunday, November 10, 2013

Reminds Me of a Devo Song...

Am I the only one to see the irony in a satellite designed to map the Earth's gravity field succumbing to the Earth's gravity? At any rate, a one ton thing is going to break up and start raining down on the planet. Tales of the firey re-entry of satellites have been captivating the public imagination since the 1970s, when Skylab's remains fell down on a small town in Australia, netting the United States' government a littering fine.

Of course, the impending fall of this satellite reminds me of one of my favorite Devo songs:

For Muzak aficianados, there's an easy listening version, which sounds like the soundtrack for a very outré Nintendo game.

Be safe, people, keep an eye on the sky!


  1. Wait! What? Is Mark Mothersbaugh riding in that satellite? Are the Rugrats going to fall in my yard?

    Oh noes! The sky is falling. I need a red sort of roundish pyramid hat thing to protect me.

  2. DEVO saw the future, and sang about it.

    Hell, yeah!

    Oh noes! The sky is falling. I need a red sort of roundish pyramid hat thing to protect me.

    You don't already have a ziggurat hat?
