Saturday, November 23, 2013

First Snow of the Season

Tonight is a cold, windy night on the job. Earlier in the evening, the first snow of the season fell, accompanied by lightning... I didn't see any sprites, though.

As a person who spends a lot of time outdoors, I always keep one ear on the weather report. The key to surviving the cold is to dress in layers- cover your head and keep your "core" warm, and you'll do alright. I did have to buy an inexpensive pair of flannel lined gloves at the local hardware store, though. I always seem to lose right gloves, hence the inexpensive pair- I have a collection of left hand gloves that would make a Michael Jackson envious... actually, Google indicates that he wore a right hand glove, so maybe some crazed Michael Jackson fan with a Bedazzler is going nuts with my missing gloves (which kinda skeeves me out).


  1. We're outside fighting the war on trees. Nothing has fallen on the house...yet.

  2. I'm inside, fooling around on the internet, planning dinner and waiting for the first football game to start. My Weather Channel app informs me that it's 49°F out there, despite the bright sunshine. Think I'll do a load of laundry as another task that doesn't require leaving the building...

  3. Keep your damn snow, B^3. It's too early in the season.

  4. No accumulations whatsoever, but the day has been windy and cold. Tonight, it's supposed to go down to the teens. I think I might have to shove Fred and Ginger down my shirt to keep warm.

  5. A balmy 50℉ in Vancouver when I get back.

    Kind of a relief...
