Thursday, October 3, 2013

Plum Dumb

One of the big local stories this week concerns Donald Trump's desire to buy Plum Island, off the eastern end of Long Island. There is speculation that Mr Trump wishes to build a high end golf course on the island, but I have my doubts about that.

Plum Island once housed the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, an institution with the stated goal of studying animal pathogens, especially pathogens which affect livestock. The center looms large in conspiracy theory circles, mainly claims that the island was a center for biological weapons programs. The Animal Disease Center has been moved to Kansas, in the heart of farm country. What could possibly go wrong? Some wags opined that the "Montauk Monster" was an escapee from the Plum Island research center.

I think you can see where I'm going with this now... Trump doesn't want to build a golf course on Plum Island, he wants to discover the unholy origin of that thing on his head.

Post title yanked from an old Dead Milkmen song. Post cross-posted at Rumproast


  1. I think you have it all wrong...the thing on his head is trying to figure out how to cure itself of the thing upon which it sits.

  2. Starling promised Hannibal Lecter a cell on Plum Island if he would help her capture Buffalo Bill. Also rumored to be where Blackbeard[?] hid his treasure!

  3. I'd say LET him buy it, IF he will go there and never come back. Oh, wait...silly me, channeling "Survivor" or "Fantasy Island" again..

  4. I think you have it all wrong...the thing on his head is trying to figure out how to cure itself of the thing upon which it sits.

    Yeah, it's like the old joke about the guy with a duck on his head, "Doctor, there's a man under my ass!"

    Starling promised Hannibal Lecter a cell on Plum Island if he would help her capture Buffalo Bill. Also rumored to be where Blackbeard[?] hid his treasure!

    It's a pretty happening little rock.

    I'd say LET him buy it, IF he will go there and never come back. Oh, wait...silly me, channeling "Survivor" or "Fantasy Island" again..

    Pity it won't be that easy to be rid of him.
