Monday, October 7, 2013

Fearing "The Wall"

Wow, one week into October... I think I can get through this. This is Monday, and I have already put in three "days" worth of work. I've been able to catch a few Zzzzz's here and there (five hours, three hours, two hours- yikes!), and I feel oddly alert right now towards the end of a four-hour shift (following upon an eight hour graveyard shift this morning). I am planning on meeting some friends at a local bar in order to drink a couple of beers and to watch some OLD TIME FOOTBALL!!!! I wonder when the stamina will give out, when I'll hit the proverbial "wall".

I've had similar nights during which I worked stupid hours then went out boozing and carousing until last call, which is 4AM in these parts. Luckily, I have the next two days off (the coming weekend looks pretty apocalyptic- two double shifts in a row). I imagine I'll spend all day tomorrow zonked out.

I'm at the age when I can sustain a high level of activity for a good stretch, but the payback is B-R-U-T-A-L.


  1. I generally do Monday-Tuesday long hours as make-up time for other shenanigans during the week.

    Good luck enduring the punishment.

  2. This is what all our companies, profit or non-profit, want for us.

    Everybody works longer, so less people get paid.

  3. Wow. Impressed I am, yessss.

    I simply, unequivocally could NOT do that. I can make midnight if there's something interesting going on, but I'm pretty beat the next day.

    Anything more than that and I'd just fall over...

  4. I'm too old for that now! But oh, the memories!

  5. I don't believe in The Wall, I believe in The Blerch.
