Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Busy Day Before Halloween... Post a Video!

Today was a lot busier than I anticipated it would be. At the beginning of my shift, I received a call from the Manager on Duty, who informed me that there was a gas leak in one of our buildings because the gas furnace had been turned on improperly. I had to locate the key to the furnace room and we turned off the furnace. No sooner had I done this when I received a call from the home office and was told that the employee who had to close down another of our sites had had a problem and that I would have to travel there to close the place up properly. Before heading down, I had to give a jump to another employee whose car battery had an insufficient charge. I spent the first three hours of my shift running hither, tither, and yon responding to out-of-the-ordinary situations, and it put me off my game for a while.

I don't have time to put up an elaborate post, so I figure I'll post a video or two by Screaming Lord Sutch, shock rocker and founder of the Official Monster Raving Loony Party (note to Tea Partiers, this party was founded as a joke). Screaming Lord Sutch did the "horror rock" thing a decade before Alice Cooper ever put on eye shadow. His songs aren't very good, but they do have some novelty value:

My personal favorite by the Third Earl of Harrow is Murder in the Graveyard:

As someone who often walks by Woodlawn Cemetery on his way home from the end of the 4 line after a night of drinking in Manhattan or Brooklyn, I look at Murder in the Graveyard as a cautionary tale.


  1. Wow. Now there's a blast from the past.

  2. Today was a lot busier than I anticipated it would be.

    Muscovy ducks pecked at my shoes yesterday. It's hard work!

  3. Wow. Now there's a blast from the past.

    Before my time!

    Muscovy ducks pecked at my shoes yesterday. It's hard work!

    In Soviet Russia, shoe pecks Muscovy duck!

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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