Saturday, June 1, 2013

In Keeping with our June Tradition

June 1st marks my sister's birthday. As is tradition, I always wish my sister a happy birthday on the first. My sister always played the "snark-merchant" role in our family- she was the one who nicknamed by older brother "Sweetums" and my baby brother "Gomez". On one memorable occasion, many years ago, she fielded a phone call for me and shouted, "One of your mutant friends is on the phone" without covering the phone mouthpiece. Good times... good times...

She's mellowed considerably over the years, but she can still sling a barb if she has to. Happy birthday, sis. Love, your mutant brother.


  1. Such a faux pas! Shirley she meant, "one of your mutant fiends."

  2. None of you've come up w/ a suitable appellation for sis?

    And a good reminder of what a drag things were before each North American had her/his own phone/number.

  3. Such a faux pas! Shirley she meant, "one of your mutant fiends."

    Werner Herzog would have sued.

    Happy birthday, sis!

    Substance says "Hi!"

    None of you've come up w/ a suitable appellation for sis?

    What? Bring a knife to a neutron bomb fight? "Pickle" was her nickname when she was really small, due to a youthful mispronounciation of her name.
