Monday, March 4, 2013

Pope Stephen

Theoretically, any baptized male Roman Catholic is eligible to be elected pope, although the newly elected pope must become a bishop before he assumes the ancient title of Pontifex Maximus. You know where this is going, eh?

Lately, Morissey has been in the news a lot- he refused to perform on Jimmy Kimmel's show, he's castigating "Bouncy" for using animal hides in her couture. The guy has been in the news more in the past two weeks than he's been in the previous decade. I know something is up, I think the Papal Conclave is going to elect Morrissey pope... he is eligible. He's been the Pope of Mope for quite some time, soon he'll be the Pope of Rome. It's a good move for the Church- not only does Morrissey have mass appeal to the Latino community, he is sure to have the support of all of the Vicars in tutus:

It's a no-brainer, Morrissey always enjoyed success on the college charts, I don't think the College of Cardinals will be any different. It's about time the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church had a pope with a pompadour.


  1. I could be the pope, also. After all, I have followed in their Lord's footsteps and risen from the dead.

    How much more popey could I be? None. none more popey.

  2. nice job on the Seanchai, thndr. Guy used to be in Black 47.

  3. That's odd. I wouldn't have thought Steven would really work out with the papists.

  4. The best laugh I had all day, "the pope of mope" Thanks for that!

  5. I am disappoint to discover that cardinals go into a conclave. At first I thought it was an autoclave.

  6. An interesting historical side-note. In the latter half of the 80s I rode with what is commonly referred to as an outlaw biker gang (at first I made a typo and claimed membership in an outlaw baker gang, but that would change the whole story in bizarre and unusual ways). Like most organizations of that nature, everybody gets a street name. Mine was Pope.

    So I can even show experience on my resume...

  7. I could be the Pope, too!

    Pope Thunder I!

    "the more Catholic, the better"

    I bet that kid is a parishoner at The Church of the Holy Spook.

    How much more popey could I be? None. none more popey.

    What's wrong wif bein' popey?

    nice job on the Seanchai, thndr. Guy used to be in Black 47.

    Ah, yes, he was most certainly chillin' on the Uillean. Ya know, I haven't seen my buddy Larry in a long time.

    That's odd. I wouldn't have thought Steven would really work out with the papists.

    You can get anything that's trillin' ya,
    At Alice's basilica... needs work.

    The best laugh I had all day, "the pope of mope" Thanks for that!

    I live to serve! Pax vobiscum!

    I am disappoint to discover that cardinals go into a conclave. At first I thought it was an autoclave.

    "Disinfecting the Cardinal"

    (at first I made a typo and claimed membership in an outlaw baker gang, but that would change the whole story in bizarre and unusual ways).

    I've heard about those outlaw baker gangs... some guy around here got the breading of his life.

  8. mikey reminds me I used to know some guy (legal name Gregory so ...) known as "The Pope." Big time pothead/reefer dealer. (If that can be considered a "big-time" occupation.)
