Saturday, March 23, 2013

Of Local Interest

Today marks the second annual St Patrick's Day parade in my neighborhood, which is pretty solidly Irish and Irish-American. The official Yonkers St Patrick's Day parade takes place downtown, near City Hall, but everybody hightails it to McLean Ave, the heart of the tavern district, afterwards.

Perhaps the best thing about this year's neighborhood parade is that the Grand Marshal is local luminary Joanie Madden of the supergroup Cherish the Ladies. Here's Joanie Madden displaying her virtuosity on the tin whistle and flute with the rest of the band:

For our antipodean friends, here's the band doing a number called The Hills of New Zealand:

You know what other locale is known for its hills?


  1. Until I moved there, I had no idea how big Saint Paddy's Day was in Columbus.

    There's a reason these folks* would show up there, when they left the NYC area and such as.

    * Speakers to eleventy!

  2. You know what other locale is known for its hills?


  3. There's a reason these folks* would show up there, when they left the NYC area and such as.

    Seanchai is great, he's one of the founding members of Black 47.


    It's unfair to compare Yonkers to Mordor. One is a hell-blasted fuckscape, the other is Mordor.

  4. You know what other locale is known for its hills?

