Sunday, February 10, 2013

Why Wasn't I Informed?

Live and learn, I always say, live and learn... today, I learned that beloved comedic actor Fred Gwynne (I think his best role was the judge in My Cousin Vinny, although, being a horndog, I think Marisa Tomei walked away with the movie- hubba hubba!) was a painter of hilarious, surreal artworks and the author/illustrator of what appear to be funny, slightly snarky children's books. Why did nobody tell me that the guy was a Renaissance man? At his best, Gwynne rivals B. Kliban (a personal fave of mine) in terms of smart, funny surrealism. I think this is brilliant. I think I might have to track down copies of his books now, my initial impression is that they're clever.

Also, I never knew the guy could sing:

Now, if only he had been a good stalwart lefty, my admiration of the man would be even higher.


  1. ah, first link goes to facebook page of fox and ravens. Is Fred dressed up as the fow? It's very convincing is so.

  2. Cool beans!

    Good find, old chum!

    ah, first link goes to facebook page of fox and ravens. Is Fred dressed up as the fow? It's very convincing is so

    D'oh! Thanks for the heads up, I'll fix it post haste!
