Friday, February 22, 2013

Seems Like a Charming Fellow

One of today's top local stories is the arrest of a local jackass who threatened various individuals on Facebook, including all of the "traitor scum" who voted for the Kenyan Usurper. Besides his "using Facebook to threaten millions of fellow citizens" hobby, he also indulged in the hobbies of driving while intoxicated, collecting weapons, and threatening his landlord. Like I said, a charming chap, a truly charming chap. For his bloviations, he's been charged with three felony counts of making terroristic threats, one count of felony weapons possession, two counts of misdemeanor weapons possession, and one count of harassment, a violation.

The "money quote" in the story is his landlady's characterization of the Facebook felon: In the end, she called Mulqueen “ineffectual, sort of the legend in his own mind. This was all the Internet, you know.”

Poking around the t00bz, it seems that this dumbass at least tried to get involved in a Tea Party group and considered himself a member of the "Sovereign Citizen" movement. Further poking reveals that he joined a local Tea Party group on January 26, 2012... how soon before the local teahadis claim he was a "liberal plant" who joined up in order to discredit the movement?


  1. See what you're missing by not being on Facebook???
    Come on... all the cool kids are doing it!


  2. Sounds like a future GOP Congressman.

    Sounds like most of the current GOP Congresscritters to me.

  3. Once again, this is why the whole "the people will rise up and water the tree of liberty with the blood of liberals" threats of secession and revolution are stupid. Every now and then, one of these doods will do something stoopid or violent. And he'll be arrested and prosecuted, or if he's effective enough, killed in action. His friends who all promised to join him in glorious jihad against the criminal American government will all shuffle their feet, glance up at the sky and whistle softly, as if to say "who, me? I'm kinda busy today"...

  4. Sounds like a law-abiding citizen. Why should a little drunk driving keep a real American from having a few guns & blades?

  5. Internet-Americans should go back where they came from.
