Saturday, February 2, 2013

I am Reminded: It's Blogroll Amnesty Day

ZRM's latest post reminds me that it is "Blogroll Amnesty Day", which I spaced out on last year, though I did celebrate it back in 2011 and I did put up a "blogroll update" post last March. ZRM gives a shoutout to Tengrain of Mock, Paper, Scissors, who is extraordinarily kind to the proprietors of small blogs- Tengrain linked to this post at Crooks and Liars. When I saw that I had over 500 hits, I immediately thought, "Tengrain was here." Thanks, old chum! I also have to thank the good folks at Rumproast who added me to their masthead.

Anyway, I know it's against the rules to claim that your own blog is small, so I'll keep my mouth shut about that. Now, I have to link to five other blogs that I have been digging:

I recently added Musings from Squirrel Cage to the blogroll so I could still get my regular hilarious "Canadian Domestic Comedy" fix- Squirrel E. Girl's post about the bedroom closet door being open was PURE COMEDY GOLD.

Biodiversity Revolution is headed by the Sadly No semi-regular "Just Alison", who also used the anagram "Snail Joust". I love the topic of Alison's blog and, importantly, it's the first Australian blog on my blogroll. Someday, I'd love to hang out in Ozzystoryalelyya with Ms. Alison, drinking lime spiders while listening to the Lime Spiders.

Vixen Strangely, who also blogs at Rumproast, is proprietress of Vixen Strangely Makes Uncommon Sense. Her byline used to be "A Small and Slackerish Political Blog" until some bastard called her on the "slackerish" part of the byline, which is now "A Small but Otherwise on Fire Political Blog". Now, it's time to work on the "small" part of her byline- seriously, check her blog out, her Climate Sunday posts make for some fine reading.

For No Odd Reason, bbkf's place, is also a sweet blog- a nice mix of domestic tales and political musings. I'd love to hear more takedowns of the editor of the local right-wing rag, as well- she does some hilarious trips to the "woodshed" with that dumbass in Sadly No comment threads.

The fifth entry is actually our old friend Vacuumslayer/Dr Kenneth Noisewater who decided to discontinue her long-form blog while starting the tumblr blogs General Armchair and 60 Percent Success Rate- first, she became a nut, now she became a hip young go-getter with her hot new social media platform. I'll update the blogroll to get her up-to-date material on the front page, I promise.

So... that's my blogroll update. I enjoy all of the blogs I've linked to, and exhort you to visit them regularly. In addition, I also exhort anybody reading this who isn't blogging to start a blog. It's a lot of fun, and the camaraderie is awesome. There's plenty of additional room on the blogroll, folks.


  1. I started a blog, and look what happened to me.

    Beware, sheeple!

  2. Indeed. The main reason I write what I write is that it helps ME to understand more clearly both events in the world and what I really think about them. By forcing yourself to articulate your thoughts in coherent sentences you are both required to do the necessary research and clarify what can often be conflicted thoughts...

  3. Well my blog is in suspended animation right now. I'm not sure if I miss blogging or not. I miss my friends, that's for sure.

    I'm sure I will revive it at some point. I think I have another month before it will be forever lost. :)

    Hope you're keeping well!


  4. Y'know, when I think about it, I've long ago lost interest in the whole 'skewering the wingnuts' schtick. I mean, they've been saying the same stupid crap since 2000 (probably longer, that's just how long I've been paying attention) and we've been point out the same realities and pointing and laughing at them for well over a decade now. Nothing they say can honestly be considered shocking or surprising anymore, and in the last dozen years not one single mind has been changed.

    I like TBogg, frankly just because he's SO brutally mean-spirited, and because he's never shy about calling out stupidity on either side of the aisle, but beyond that, wingnut bloggers don't represent an interesting topic for me. Wake me up when Ted Nugent is dead or in jail...

  5. No worries.

    EVERYBODY gets a trophy...

  6. the Sadly No semi-regular "Just Alison"
    You left out "cat-owner".

  7. I started a blog, and look what happened to me.

    Hey, I don't think I would have started this without your example, and your constant encouragement helps me keep doing it.

    Indeed. The main reason I write what I write is that it helps ME to understand more clearly both events in the world and what I really think about them.

    Too true! I largely coped with the Bush years by pounding on a heavy bag during commercial breaks while watching the news in a slow-simmering rage.

    I'm sure I will revive it at some point. I think I have another month before it will be forever lost. :)

    Please revive it, even if you don't update it- your story about smashing your grandfather's vegetables is priceless. Also, I didn't copy down the recipe for "Laura's Best Ever Fudge of Doom", and I'm kicking myself for not doing so.

    Y'know, when I think about it, I've long ago lost interest in the whole 'skewering the wingnuts' schtick. I mean, they've been saying the same stupid crap since 2000 (probably longer, that's just how long I've been paying attention) and we've been point out the same realities and pointing and laughing at them for well over a decade now. Nothing they say can honestly be considered shocking or surprising anymore, and in the last dozen years not one single mind has been changed.

    I dunno- I'll stop skewering them when they stop trying to impose their beliefs on others. Glenn Beck was kicked off Fox because of the scrutiny of lefty bloggers. Limbaugh lost ad revenue due to the outrage of lefty bloggers. They need to have the pressure kept up, and there has been incremental change.

    Wait, that's what I'm s'posed to be doing?

    Nah, you're supposed to be flaunting your superior taste in beer.

    EVERYBODY gets a trophy...

    I got a rock!

    Thanks for the link, BBBB!

    I'm a fan, thanks for writing!

    You left out "cat-owner".

    I thought that was a bandicoot.


    Watch it, you!

  8. Huh...I look away for a day and a half and THIS is what happens!!

    Thank you, Kind Sir.

    You have just made this weirdo wienie's day/week/month/year/life.


    I'm blushing and everything.

    THANK YOU!!!

    p.s. I had actually just logged in to write a post entitled "SOS-Revisited" and I was going to throw up a couple of ABBA videos to make up for the tragic lack of them in the original post...100% non-suck-up truth...stay tuned. Although, now the ABBA post will have to wait for me to write a "Hey Everybody!! Look at THIS!" post...brace yourself for an enormous influx of pageviews comin' atcha from my blog's vast readership....


  9. p.p.s. OOPS...I kinda missed the part where I'm not supposed to say that my blog is small...and I kinda did.

    My bad.

  10. Thank you, Kind Sir.

    Thanks for bringing the LULZORZ!

    OOPS...I kinda missed the part where I'm not supposed to say that my blog is small...and I kinda did.

    It's hard to avoid that. We all know our own stats, but not other bloggers' stats. It's just natural to think, "Who me? I'm small fry!"
