Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's

As has been typical since I started blogging, I have been working on New Year's Eve or Day- I decided to change things up by working the graveyard shift instead of the evening shift. As I have averred every year, I have come to think of New Year's Eve as amateurs' night, having seen a lot of dumb stuff happen (I've done some dumb stuff, but typically of the "get caught by girl one sucking girl two's face while girl one went off to the bathroom" variety- hey, I was too drunk to tell her "she reminded me of you" and not Penthouse lucky enough to arrange a threesome- I've never done anything "crash the car in a drunken stupor" or "start a donnybrook in the street" stupid). Anyway, it's been a quiet night, safely cocooned at work on this night of sobriety checkpoints and drunk drivers. While not watching bizarre animation by the guy who animated the video for a great drinking song, I've been making sure that nobody hopped the fence to piss on the property (I made sure I was extra vigilant after the 4AM last call). Fun, eh? At least it's a double-time day. Anyway, I figured I'd cease my navel gazing and post an appropriate video. Here's New Year's by New York's Asobi Seksu. The band's combination of crunchy pop and sweet vocals reminds me of my beloved Shop Assistants

Here's another take, but I think the song plays better with a harder sound- this version is pretty, but it needs some chunkiness to avoid being twee in my estimation:


Now, that's the way to do it... by playing a kickass drum solo, Yuki Chikudate is one pretty lead singer who won't be upstaged by the drummer.

Wow, three video embeds of the same song, with no covers... I think that's a record, but can't be arsed poring over every post to ascertain this fact. The funny thing is that New Year's is not even my favorite Asobi Seksu song.

Happy New Year's Day, everybody!


  1. Indeed. Being old, somewhat defective and flat broke has allowed me to enjoy New Years the way any clinically depressed anti-social hermit with a budding case of agoraphobia might dream of. I went to bed at 11:50 and dozed off to the sound of fireworks, explosions and gunfire. It was soothing, like bedding down in your bathtub in Aleppo...

  2. Happy New Year!!!

    My New Year's was almost as exciting as yours! Making sure a house full of 19 year old young men don't puke on my stuff!

    And I swear I haven't quit cooking since 8:30 this morning (it's now just after 2pm). I also think that I'm doing other people's childrens laundry! (because yes... they are ALL still here

    Mass did a post today. Especially for you. ;)


  3. My head doesn't even hurt so much.

    That's a good thing!

    Indeed. Being old, somewhat defective and flat broke has allowed me to enjoy New Years the way any clinically depressed anti-social hermit with a budding case of agoraphobia might dream of

    mikey, is M. Bouffant using your computer?

    My New Year's was almost as exciting as yours! Making sure a house full of 19 year old young men don't puke on my stuff!

    Most women would kill to be surrounded by hot young studs.

    Mass did a post today. Especially for you. ;)

    Mass is awesome- I think the best New Year's resolution would be "MOAR MASS!!!"

  4. I went to sleep from about 7 pm to maybe 11:30, woke up for the Times Sq. Anderson Cooper/Kathy Griffin blow job humor, and then went back to sleep around 1 am.

    What's really depressing is that in Los Angeles, we have no local celebration, so all the local stations show a re-run of New York.

  5. watched the Doctor Who marathon and re-watched The Snowmen episode. There was no debris on the lawn in the morning, although I am pretty sure I heard some fireworks and some W00t!-ing.
