Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hmmmm... This Seems a Little Weird...

So... yesterday I put up a fairly perfunctory post, then decide to check my stats, and I find that Thursday's post had more than one thousand hits:

The Beauty Industrial Complex and the War on Women...
Dec 6, 2012, 18 comments

WHA??!?!?!!?!? I knew something was up! Previously, I've only had two posts that broke the 1000 hits mark: my Frank Frazetta memorial seen mainly by horndogs who want to see dynamically-executed paintings of women with huge badonkadonks, and my overview of the female titans of SF&F and "gaming" culture (first person who claims Margaret St Clair was a "novelty girl" gets a men's 12 EEEE up their patootie). Something was going on, something catapulted Thursday's post to the number two spot...

I have to take this opportunity to thank all-around responsible netizen and GOOD GUY Tengrain for including me in this week's Crooks and Liars blog roundup. Wow, I feel like a little kid who received a pat on the head and an accolade from a friendly giant. Thanks to Tengrain and to the Crooks and Liars team for deigning to notice my little corner of the t00bz. I'm really grateful.


  1. I can so relate. I'm currently inundated with page views from france due to this post from July. The best I can figure, the law is now being seriously enforced and all the French slackers are doing Google searches to try to figure out how to get in compliance and instead they're finding me.

    Weird though, that in these cases none of the strangers leave even a howdie-doo or a fare-thee-well....

  2. Congratulations!
    I wonder if Tengrain will feature one of my "Mass is so cute" posts. With my absence from blogdome, half my readers have left me. Bloggers are a fickle bunch. ;)

    Your foot is outrageous by the way.


  3. Congrats, B^4.

    I still get hits from people looking for the nearest Applebee's salad bar.

  4. I had that experience too, when TG threw one of my posts in the roundup a while back.

    Being an antisocial sort, it frightened me.

    Fortunately, as mikey said, very few people bothered commenting, so I wasn't forced to interact with humans.

  5. I should clarify that when I take issue with novelty girls, it's the specific act of declaring yourself a novelty, and using that as way to distance yourself from others. I am actually ADMIRING of true "novelty" women, or as I call them, "pioneers."
