Monday, November 26, 2012

I Love the Taste of Schadenfreude... Tastes Like Butterscotch Schnapps

Ah, where would I be without the hilarity to be found at The House of Substance? Anyway, Monsieur McGravitas embedded a great musical version of the infamous, foul-mouthed rant by a drunk woman who was enraged by the re-election of the Kenyan Usurper, done by the mysterious and not-quite-vanished Righteous Bubba. Anyway, I was shocked that the embedded video had less than a thousand hits. I've been watching it regularly, and you should be doing the same:

I won't be satisfied until this song gets played regularly in night clubs.


  1. Right-on McGravy just doesn't know how to pimp himself.

  2. He could put Righteous Bubba out on the stroll, then.

  3. People have learned not to click the fuckin links...

  4. Looks like it takes a while for youtube to update the view's still at 249, even though I watched it a few times and spammed it at Wonkette (again).

  5. We have hacked into the jukebox at the Old Entomologist and installed it. Unfortunately all the jukes got out.
