Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dedicating this One to the Plutocrats

The next couple of days will be characterized by a weird posting schedule- my plan is to hit to road for mom's house in northeastern Virginia in the wee hours of Wednesday morning (the graveyard shift has its benefits) and to hit the road in the wee hours of Saturday so I can get to work in the early afternoon. I'll try to schedule some posts ahead of time, so my blog doesn't get Zardozed right back to the Stone Head Age.

This weekend, I heard an instantly catchy tune on the radi-adi-o, a song which should be required listening for plutocratic d-bags who mistreat the employees who actually produce the value for their companies.

Be a Jerk by Brooklyn's (no hipster references, please) Boy Girl Party is my latest song obsession. I fell for the song from the opening bass line, which reminds me of a slowed-down take inspired by the opening to Straight to Hell, one of my favorite songs, and I was charmed by lead singer Melissa Lusk's voice. Blast it, folks, annoy your Republican uncle who's an apologist for greedy old plutocrats:


  1. so my blog doesn't get Zardozed right back to the Stone Head Age.

    You say that like it's a bad thing...

  2. Without jerks how could there be not-jerks?

  3. the opening to Straight to Hell

    Memo to self: Watch "Straight to Hell" again (it came as part of a double DVD along with Cox's adaptation of 'Death & the Compass').

  4. I once over-Zardozed in college, it was bad, dude. Didn't have a shirt left and my thighs were chafed.

    Hope you had a safe trip, boss, and a good flightless baked bird!

  5. You say that like it's a bad thing...

    The blog is good, the Zardoz is evil.

    Without jerks how could there be not-jerks?

    Now, that's a head-scratcher!

    Memo to self: Watch "Straight to Hell" again (it came as part of a double DVD along with Cox's adaptation of 'Death & the Compass').

    Oddly enough, I've never seen it. I think I must needs address this deficiency.

    Pfft. Nobody Zardozes anymore.

    Do you know how hard it is to find those red diapers and hooker boots these days?

    I once over-Zardozed in college, it was bad, dude. Didn't have a shirt left and my thighs were chafed.

    That's what happens when you mix Zardoz and No-Doz.
