Monday, August 20, 2012

No Concept of Consent

This post may be a little rough, folks. I will do my damnedest to be careful in my choice of words, but we're dealing with pure evil here. Today's biggest story is Missouri Representative and Senate candidate Todd Akin's horrific comments about rape:

Leaving aside the complete ignorance of biology, the truly problematic thing about Akin's statement is his use of the term "legitimate rape". There is a large contingent of conservative authoritarians who have a problem with the concept of consent. They believe that, if a woman doesn't fight tooth and nail against a violent attacker, then any assault on her can't be characterized as rape. Other forms of coercion besides the use of violence don't enter into consideration in their minds. Their position reveals a patronizing attitude towards women- best exemplified by a heinous quote by Texas GOP gubernatorial candidate Clayton Williams. As far as the Patriarchy is concerned, a woman's value is as a sexual object, and her sexuality must be controlled and constrained in order to maintain her value (this is why they place such an emphasis on creepy purity pledges). In this worldview, a "worthy" woman would only be raped by a violent assailant- the occurrence of date rape, marital rape, and statutory rape are handwaved away- that sort of thing wouldn't happen to a morally upstanding woman. Consent never really enters into consideration with conservatives... and I'm not even getting into the cesspool of self-described "Men's Rights Activists' opionions regarding rape.

Oddly enough, while conservatives have a problem recognizing what constitutes rape, they often use violent sexual imagery to refer to things which aren't rape. Whines about "things being shoved down throats" and being "bent over" abound with conservatives. It's bizarro world- date rape isn't rape, but an increase in marginal tax rates is...

Now, getting back to Akin, the real story is that he partnered with Paul Ryan in an attempt to narrow the definition of rape in H.R. 3. The only real difference between Akin and Ryan is that Akin is dumb enough to say what he thinks on live television while Ryan's assaults on women's rights take place behind closed doors.

Vixen Stangely and Bette Noir have covered this topic really well.


  1. The thing that always gets me about men arguing how we women shouldn't be allowed to have abortions is that they seem to assume we WANT them. I can guarantee you, almost no one wants to do that.
    The fact is, most women make that choice because they don't see any other option. It's very ummm kind? of men like him to assume that we can birth them babies and either raise them in crappy circumstances or give them away to other people.
    Actually... I just kind of wish that men like him would fuck off.


  2. Once yet again I am struck by the parallels between right-wing American fundamentalist christianists and their hated nemesis fundamentalist islamists. Time and again, we find their beliefs in social order, culture, governance and diversity are virtually identical - I guess the hate is actually a sense of competition.

    But frankly, if they could agree on the name of the Book and the Protagonist, they'd have a thousand years of peace in a BROTHERhood of theocratic oppression...

  3. The thing that always gets me about men arguing how we women shouldn't be allowed to have abortions is that they seem to assume we WANT them. I can guarantee you, almost no one wants to do that.

    Yeah, it's one of the toughest decisions anyone could have to make, and they do everything they can to make it even harder. They really, really need to fuck off.

    Once yet again I am struck by the parallels between right-wing American fundamentalist christianists and their hated nemesis fundamentalist islamists. Time and again, we find their beliefs in social order, culture, governance and diversity are virtually identical - I guess the hate is actually a sense of competition.

    Yeah, it's the "Narcissism of Small Differences". Damn, if only they could call their Abrahamic Sky Monster by the right name!!!!

  4. Dana Loesch, Erick Son of Erick, and Tony Perkins all say: Stay in, Akin!

    But Hannity wants him to pull out...

    (Note: links for all but Perkins can be found at MMfA...)

  5. There was a rapist in Houston who targeted single mothers with a baby. He was active for years. After raping the women the first time, he informed them that he knew their schedules and if they called the police or weren't home for the next scheduled rape, he would kill their child.

    One woman went out and bought a gun, waited at her kitchen table for him to come in, and then shot him dead when he did. The City of Houston should have given the woman a medal.

    With the Republican love of guns, they somehow never try to appeal to women who want to protect themselves from rapists or batterers.

  6. You're just being silly, B^4. Women who are coerced or drugged or dead drunk are just asking to be raped.

  7. But frankly, if they could agree on the name of the Book and the Protagonist, they'd have a thousand years of peace in a BROTHERhood of theocratic oppression...

    This. I've never understood why the fundies in all these various religions can't just get together. In regards to lotsa stuff they're quite simpatico!

  8. Republicans have problems with the idea of consent in non-sexual situations as well. Children and animals, for instance. It's like the whole thing just doesn't register with the authoritarian mind.

  9. Dana Loesch, Erick Son of Erick, and Tony Perkins all say: Stay in, Akin!

    I have to say I agree with them: Stay in, and get creamed in the polls, and take Ryan down with you!

    There was a rapist in Houston who targeted single mothers with a baby. He was active for years. After raping the women the first time, he informed them that he knew their schedules and if they called the police or weren't home for the next scheduled rape, he would kill their child.

    The disgusting thing about it is that he probably reasoned that a jury would buy the "hey, they're single mothers, therefore they're sluts" defense, so he'd beat the rap. Was the shooter ever prosecuted?

    You're just being silly, B^4. Women who are coerced or drugged or dead drunk are just asking to be raped.

    I blame miniskirts!

    This. I've never understood why the fundies in all these various religions can't just get together. In regards to lotsa stuff they're quite simpatico!

    Yeah, it's the small differences that get them even madder at each other- so close, yet so far.

    Republicans have problems with the idea of consent in non-sexual situations as well. Children and animals, for instance. It's like the whole thing just doesn't register with the authoritarian mind.

    Yeah, they're totally unclear on the concept.

  10. I don't think she was prosecuted. Somehow the Houston police knew about him and his habits for a long time. It was clearly self-defense on her part.

  11. Akins has an ad out now apologizing for being a gullible idiot. He says he's done some research and has discovered that he was wrong about rapes and pregnancy. This guy has been in public office since 1988, he has been voting on abortion issues for at least the last 17 years and he's JUST NOW doing research on the subject??? And he thinks he deserves to be elected.

  12. This guy has been in public office since 1988, he has been voting on abortion issues for at least the last 17 years and he's JUST NOW doing research on the subject??? And he thinks he deserves to be elected.

    It just goes to show you, these people need to be exposed, and they need to be opposed. I don't care how "red" a district is, put up an opposition candidate. Paul Ryan and that Yoder guy were pretty much unopposed.

    The Onion is on the case.

    I dunno, they seem to be a bit superfluous these days- the real news is much more bizarre.
