Monday, August 13, 2012

All Joking Aside, Time to Take the Gloves Off

Ryan, it's on you fucker, talking about "flushing out" progressivism and agreeing with Beck that it's a cancer? What the fucking fuck, you fucker? Plus, what the hell was that about "German intellectuals" in Madison, while urging people to read the "Austrians"? I hate those Mises to pieces! I'd mention a certain Austrian in connection with you, but I don't want to go full-on Godwin, asshole.

Alright, time to calm down, time to stop addressing the d00d like he's here...

Part of me is convinced that the GOP base wants Romney to lose, thus setting up a Ryan 2016 campaign... the dude's young for a politician, so he will be with us for decades to come. Time to nuke the fucker from orbit, electorally speaking- it's the only way to be sure he won't haunt us until mid-century. Sarah Palin went from GOP superstar to laughingstock to nonentity in four years, so we can do the same with John Galt, Jr.

I think it's going to be a tough season for Ryan, who promulgated global warming denialism, and now has to tour the drought ravaged heartland as a guy who blocked the farm bill. We'll see how he deals with the inevitable hecklers that he won't be able to shut out with admission fees.

I imagine Ryan will stay away from crucial swing-state Florida, because he can't have 17.3 % of the population arrested.

What the hell voting bloc could Ryan help Romney pick up? For all the talk of his youthful vigor, Ryan's stance on Pell grants won't endear him to younger voters. Yeah, he listens to Nirvana, a band whose signature album was released about twenty years ago- way to get the hip young go-getters! For all the talk of the guy being handsome, his stance on reproductive rights and equal pay won't endear him to female voters. I don't think Ryan would even help with the Catholic vote, all gushing by righties aside, his budget was denounced by a group of nuns and even the reactionary Council of Catholic Bishops criticized it. Shit, even Forbes magazine isn't exactly keen on the guy.

Time to hit Ryan with everything we've got. Yeah, he wants to flush us out- time to tear out of the bushes like a grizzly bear and whomp the fucker so badly that his future will consist of a weekly "Fox" gig, well away from the levers of power.

UPDATE: As an added bonus, here's Paul Ryan explaing his vote on the TARP bailouts:

Hypocrisy? Nah... couldn't be.


  1. You have to remember that movement conservatives are well aware that the demographic clock is ticking. The days of a national white christianist racist majority are over, and those enclaves where there is a regional majority are getting smaller and more isolated. They still explain the dominance of the Republican party in the House of Representatives, but even at a statewide level the increasing diversity is causing them to lose political power. They are already frightened that they may be marginalized by 2016, and they know they do not represent a national constituency in 2020, so they have to go all in right now. The gloves are off already...

  2. Why! I do declare! My sensibilities have been somewhat disturbed by your language. I need to go lie down on my fainting couch for a bit and recover.

    Call me crazy but, methinks you don't like this man!


  3. They are already frightened that they may be marginalized by 2016, and they know they do not represent a national constituency in 2020, so they have to go all in right now. The gloves are off already...

    You'd think that they'd moderate, but they're doubling down.

    Why! I do declare! My sensibilities have been somewhat disturbed by your language. I need to go lie down on my fainting couch for a bit and recover.

    Did you forget your pearls? Whatchoo gonna clutch?

  4. Yeah. We can tear him to pieces...and the best the part about that is that we can do it by simply pointing out what an asshole he is. No lie, folks!

  5. Can Paul Ryan be all bad if Ted Nugent really likes him?

    Just kidding, of course he can, and to hell with Ted Nugent too.

  6. If I were like a wingnut and prone to conspiracy theories I would be very concerned. I'd have to figure that the only reason they would pick Ryan is because they have the election completely rigged and they feel they can get away with anything right now.

  7. I'm sure that I could find something to clutch. ;)

  8. way to earn your second B!

    remind me not to make 4B angry...

  9. Pearl danio, he fished.

    I blame fish!

    We can tear him to pieces...and the best the part about that is that we can do it by simply pointing out what an asshole he is. No lie, folks!

    Yeah, the quickest way to destroy him is to reveal the truth about him.

    Can Paul Ryan be all bad if Ted Nugent really likes him?
    Just kidding, of course he can, and to hell with Ted Nugent too.

    Yeah, the Nuge can suck on a tailpipe.

    If I were like a wingnut and prone to conspiracy theories I would be very concerned. I'd have to figure that the only reason they would pick Ryan is because they have the election completely rigged and they feel they can get away with anything right now.

    That would be so hard to do so stealthily in such a short period of time. I'd be more inclined to think that they hate Romney and want to get rid of him while setting up Ryan for a run in 2016. They know the economy is not going to improve any time soon, so may as well let the Kenyan Usurper stew in the White House for four more years, all the while blaming the Democrats for the problem.

    I'm sure that I could find something to clutch. ;)

    Oh, my stars, this is a family blog!

    way to earn your second B!
    remind me not to make 4B angry

    It doesn't happen very often, but when it does...

  10. "Oh, my stars, this is a family blog!"

    I am trying to imagine the family.

  11. Palin's apparent decision to steer clear of this year's convention

