Thursday, June 28, 2012

Schadenfreude is Insufficient

I've been enjoying some delicious schadenfreude because the Supreme Court upheld "Obamacare". It's been fun to see many conservatives turn against Chief Justice Roberts while others cook up zany conspiracy theories to explain his fall from grace. It's been a fun day, indeedily doodily, but then the schadenfreude wears off and the realization the the "Affordable Care Act" is a giveaway to the health insurance industry that was cooked up by the right-wing Heritage Foundation. It is a conservative think tank proposed "market based" program now painted as a Stalinist plot, much like "Cap and Trade emissions swapping. The conservatives who now decry "Obamacare" as socialism only hate it because it was put into place on a national level by a blackity-black-black Kenyan Marislamofascist Usurper.

As much as I've been reveling in the howls of outrage from the 'baggers, I realize that "Obamacare" is a deeply flawed proposal. Part of me wishes that the Supreme Court struck it down, and inspired (a guy can dream) President Obama to use an executive order to remove the age restrictions for Medicare. That part of me also wishes that I had a beer fountain and a stripper volcano. Can't a bastard dream, even after the schadenfreude high leaves a hangover?


  1. They should have used strippers (male and female) to sell the bill. "Hey, America, how much would you pay to have a healthy body like Dirk and Destiny here?"

  2. Yup, Medicare for all. And Medicare that covers dentistry & eye glasses!

  3. See peeple, Brietbart killed in cold blood on the street in broad nightlight and now Ben Shapiro haz a sad and his blow-up friend will never be a doctor. Obamonsters!

  4. It's not ideal, B^4, but I don't think a little celebration is out of place. Let's hope it keeps getti g tweaked til it's closer to what we want.

    Plus, I think if the ruling ha gone the other way, it would have used as bludgeon against Obama again and again. I'm breathing a sigh of relief the repukes don't have this in their arsenal now.

  5. They should have used strippers (male and female) to sell the bill. "Hey, America, how much would you pay to have a healthy body like Dirk and Destiny here?"

    I think that would have backfired, people would have expected that the program would pay for elective plastic surgery. On the other hand, if Obama were known as the "boob job president", he'd be a shoe-in for reelection.

    Check out the contest at Popehat.

    Friggin' awesome!

    Yup, Medicare for all. And Medicare that covers dentistry & eye glasses!

    Silly, your teeth and eyes aren't parts of your body!

    See peeple, Brietbart killed in cold blood on the street in broad nightlight and now Ben Shapiro haz a sad and his blow-up friend will never be a doctor. Obamonsters!

    Obama, history's greatest monster... history's greatest middle-of-the-road, level-headed, sensible monster.

    It's not ideal, B^4, but I don't think a little celebration is out of place. Let's hope it keeps getti g tweaked til it's closer to what we want.

    I'm hoping the sensible states will institute statewide healthcare, though I'd prefer that they make damn sure that Red Staters would have absolutely no coverage if they wanted to travel to a Blue State to take advantage of "free" healthcare- we pay too much of their way anyway. Oddly enough, I'd have no problem extending reciprocity to tourists visiting from places with public healthcare.
