Friday, March 9, 2012

The Sin of Being Boring

I'm watching the video of Breitbart's cabana boy being smacked around by Soledad O'Brien (bonus, the great former NY Daily News columnist and NYC radio personality Errol Louis makes an appearance around the 10 minute mark), and I realize that the downfall of the Breitbart "empire" will be, to a large extent, due to the fact that the junior Breitbart minions are not only stupid, but B-O-R-I-N-G as hell. I don't imagine the dweeb in this video getting too many invites to network studios. As awful as Andrew Breitbart was, the guy was a goddamn train wreck, which tends to lend itself to better ratings.

Speaking of ratings, the numbnuts, in transitioning to their new "frontpage", have severed their links, and their traffic has declined precipitously. As Thunder would put it, the schaden freudes itself. With a couple of boring numbnuts at the helm, and a boring non-revelation as its kickoff, it would seem that the post-Breitbart Breitbart endeavor will go the way of Rush Limbaugh's advertisers.

UPDATE: I want to emphasize that, when I describe the Breitbartlings as boring, I mean that they are tedious and lame. They are not boring in the sexy sense:

Another thing... it's pretty crazy to see a white South African lecturing a woman of color, whose parents couldn't even legally wed in their home state on critical race theory.


  1. Um, wow. This tepid defense of Pollak at The Corner may be an indication of how sexy the story is.

  2. I say you make up a fresh bottle of Limoncello and we get our "party on"!

    Come on! Who's dancing with me??
    (have I taken this too far??)


  3. I kept wondering if Pollak was eating properly, he looked a little wan. The basement needs some windows or something, Mom.
    Subbys link is indeed a tepid defence. Is there trouble in Toytown? For a laff read Goldberg's latest NRO soup stain on why robot cars are teh evvull!!

  4. "Big Puff of Smoke"

    The media equivalent of a tire fire.

    Um, wow. This tepid defense of Pollak at The Corner may be an indication of how sexy the story is.

    Even the Cornerites can't be arsed...

    I say you make up a fresh bottle of Limoncello and we get our "party on"!

    I'll buy the lemons any day now... HONEST!

    For a laff read Goldberg's latest NRO soup stain on why robot cars are teh evvull!!

    If he's upset now, just wait until Obama's General Motors rolls out the sexy robot cars.
