Monday, March 26, 2012

New Addition to the Blogroll, With Bonus Pink Slime Commentary

Pupienus Maximus, The Food Pr0n Obsessed Emperor of Portland has started what is sure to be a combination Food Porn/Porn Porn blog. The culinary tips will be great, though the photos may be blurry if he's been drinking gin. It's about damn time the Emperor started blogging about his kitchen exploits. Oh, and about that blog title... I may be asking for a periodic royalties check, old chum!

On the "culinary" front, pink slime is all over the news. Hilariously, a libertarian hack wrote an article defending pink slime producers from a "smear campaign" (a sliming, if you will) on the part of ABC News. This is the money quote:

So you know to be suspicious when ABC claimed “USDA officials with links to the beef industry labeled 'pink slime' meat.” Actually, USDA officials labeled meat as meat.

To be fair, sometimes ABC had the honesty to refer to the meat as “so-called pink slime,” but typically they treated it like the meat was actually called that term. Even when Avila was giving the few words to the company's side, he still called it “pink slime.” For example, he said: “And the American Meat Institute insists pink slime is not an additive, so no label is necessary.”

Most of the ABC stories didn’t mention the company’s argument. You know, the basics of journalism, like the fact that the product is actually meat, not some foreign substance.

I'm not a squeamish person- I eat organ meats and blood sausages, and insects, and balut (last link not for the squeamish)... but I know what I'm getting when I eat these things! Beef scraps, separated mechanically from the remains of a carcass and treated with ammonia to kill off pathogens, are another matter entirely- they are not labeled as such, and have been added to ground meat products without notifying consumers. Not cool- if you truly believe that the Free Market is of paramount importance, you should demand that beef with added ammonia-treated beef scraps be labeled as such. If deception or obfuscation are employed, the market is not free.

In a comment to the latest Riddled post, the estimable Smut Clyde linked to an article in The Atlantic about pink slime. I had been dreading that the "pink slime" article was by Megan McArdle- thankfully, it wasn't... I imagine Megan would be pro "pink slime" because it was dreamed up by our Randian overlords to extract extra money from the proles by feeding them meat by-products that used to be fed to animals. I imagine she'd be happy to buy "pink slime" if it were marketed as Pink Himalayan Slime.


  1. Well, I'm thrilled to add Pup to my blogroll.

    If you keep insulting pink slime, I feel sure it's only a matter of time before it becomes sentient and goes Galt.

  2. You obviously don't read Something Positive, and are unfamiliar with Choo-Choo Bear the pudding cat.

  3. If you keep insulting pink slime, I feel sure it's only a matter of time before it becomes sentient and goes Galt.

    I think my intestines are going Galt just contemplating it!

    You obviously don't read Something Positive, and are unfamiliar with Choo-Choo Bear the pudding cat.

    Somebody's found a new waste of time...

    Meegan is pro-pink slime: for you!

    That's pretty much how it works for all those glibertarians.

    Balut, masarap!

    A friend of mine described balut as the Filippino equivalent of White Castle- the sort of thing to eat at 2AM when you're drunk, but to avoid under other circumstances.

    Being a smartass, I asked another friend's father whether or not one could eat balut on a Friday during Lent- it's kinda meat, kinda not-meat. He decided that the presence of a duck embryo in the egg made it meat, for purposes of Lenten abstinence.

  4. Balut is good for 2:00 drunk food, but it is also good for traveling snacks. The bus ride from Manila to Baguio might be 8 hours or so, and balut is a good, quick, cheap shot of protein at one of the rest stops. Throw in some suman, pan de sal, or maybe some turron, and you are all set!

  5. Glad you've eaten balut, BBBB. :)

    Catholic, huh.
